Around the Wire in Five: Reddit Live-Reporting, Climate Confidential, and More Media News

Every Friday, join PR Newswire media relations manager Amanda Hicken for a round up of five recent articles that affect journalists, bloggers, and other content creators.

Screenshot of Reddit Live-Reporting Thread

Screenshot of Reddit Live-Reporting Thread

1. Reddit Embraces Its Role as a Journalistic Entity With New Live-Reporting Feature (Gigaom)

Reddit is beta testing a new live-blogging feature that allows users to report on and update breaking news events, such as the uprising in Ukraine.  Mathew Ingram explains why it could be valuable for real-time, “open-source journalism.”

2. Climate Confidential Needs 800 Subscribers by March 6 to Launch (Columbia Journalism Review)

Climate Confidential is the brainchild of six veteran reporters hoping to “unravel fact from fiction and innovation from repetition.” The environmental and tech outlet will be the first micro-publication on Beacon Reader if it reaches its goal of 800 subscribers by March 6. Subscription levels start at $5 for one month.

3. Grammar Hammer: When Do You Imply or Infer? (Beyond PR)

Are infer and imply interchangeable if the intended meaning of both is whether or not you “get the hint?” PR Newswire’s Grammar Hammer is on the case.

4. ‘Print Only’ Still More Than Half of Newspaper Audience Even as Digital Grows (Poynter)

The Newspaper Association of America recently released an analysis of the latest newspaper audience reports. Not surprisingly, digital audiences continue to grow. However, research of 150 large markets indicate that 54 percent of the audience still reads local newspapers in print only.

5.  Why Some Top Journalists Are Flocking to Brands (Contently)

As the line between the media and brands continues to blur, big names in journalism are moving to the other side of “the content coin.” Why are journalists such as’s Evan Hansen, USA Today’s Michelle Kessler, and Newsweek’s Dan Lyons moving over to brand newsrooms and how is the storytelling different?

What was the most interesting media news you read this week? Let us know in the comments.

Amanda Hicken is a media relations manager with PR Newswire.  Follow her at @ADHicken, where she tweets about the media, comic books, and her love of Cleveland.

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