Did You See That Press Release? Bloomberg Forms Anti-Gun Group, Maxwell House Coffee Re-launched, and Did This Winter Make You Fatter?

With thousands of news releases published each week on PR Newswire for Journalists, no one can possibly keep up with every one of them. Here are some of our favorite releases from the past week that you might have missed.

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Source: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File

Source: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File

New Gun Violence Prevention Group, Everytown for Gun Safety, Asks Americans to Join the Fight to Reduce Gun Violence

Almost a year after a minority of the U.S. Senate blocked legislation to require comprehensive gun background checks despite near-unanimous public support, a new organization will unite millions of Americans to help end gun violence and counter the Washington gun lobby: Everytown for Gun Safety.

At its center, the organization will house Mayors Against Illegal Guns, founded by former New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and former Boston Mayor Tom Menino, and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a grassroots movement of moms that was founded the day after Newtown. Everytown will ask Americans to join the fight to reduce the gun violence that kills 86 Americans every day and affects big cities and small towns alike.

See the news release for more details. Want to make sure you don’t miss releases like this? Sign up for PR Newswire for Journalists and create a free profile to have releases sent to you by email on public safety, policy, and other topics you cover. Get started now.

Maxwell House Brews up Brand Refresh to Reawaken Coffee Drinkers to What’s Good

Maxwell House is taking its first step in reinventing itself by debuting a new logo, packaging graphics, and several new product varieties, all supported by the new campaign, “Say Good Morning to a Good Day.” The campaign emphasizes the benefits that come with starting your day with a good cup of coffee.

In fact, Maxwell House is bringing back the iconic “good to the last drop” tagline to reinforce that good is, well, pretty great.

See the whole release and the commercial. Want to make sure you don’t miss beverage and consumer news like this? Sign up for PR Newswire for Journalists and create a free profile to have releases sent to you by email on the topics you cover. Get started now.

New CareerBuilder Survey Finds Majority of Workers Feel They Are Overweight

As the polar vortex finally releases its grip on the U.S. and beach season is no longer a mirage, workers are examining their physical fitness with mixed results. More than half of workers (55 percent) categorize themselves as overweight, on par with last year. Thirty-nine percent say they’ve gained weight at their current job, with 21 percent putting on more than 10 pounds and nine percent putting on more than 20 pounds. Sixteen percent report they have actually lost weight at their job, while 45 percent say their weight stayed the same.

See the news release for more results of this CareerBuilder survey on physical fitness at the office. Want to make sure you don’t miss releases like this? Sign up for PR Newswire for Journalists and create a free profile to have releases sent to you by email on healthcare, workforce issues, and the topics you cover. Get started now.

Power(ed) Readers: Americans Who Read More Electronically Read More, Period

As with just about every other aspect of our lives, the ways in which we can read books have undergone radical shifts over the past few years. Not long ago, hardcover and paperback were the main options available to readers, but then came e-readers and tablet computers.

With the additional options of reading on your computer or phone, it’s as though the only thing standing between Americans and a good read is setting aside the time. Americans seem to embrace broader options, as the majority (54 percent) currently reads e-books, including two-thirds of millennials (66 percent).

See the news release to see more results from this Harris Poll of adult readers. Want to make sure you don’t miss releases like this? Sign up for PR Newswire for Journalists and create a free profile to have releases sent to you by email on consumer technology, publishing, and other topics you cover. Get started now.

New York, London, and Paris are Top Global Cities in 2014 A.T. Kearney Global Cities Index

New York and London remain the world’s most global cities, while select emerging-market cities strengthened their ability to challenge global leaders in the next 10 years to 20 years, according to the 2014 A.T. Kearney Global Cities Index (GCI). The index was released April 15.

The 2014 edition of GCI also includes the Emerging Cities Outlook (ECO) 2014, a forward-looking measurement of emerging cities with the potential to improve their global standing in the next few decades.

See the news release to find out what other cities made the list and which are considered emerging cities. Want to make sure you don’t miss economic news headlines? Sign up for PR Newswire for Journalists and create a free profile to have releases sent to you by email. Get started now.

Larry Grady is online content manager at PR Newswire for Journalists.  He has worked in business media for nearly 30 years and enjoys reality TV and daydreaming about travel and wine.

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