Blog Profiles: Lifestyle Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job with promoting and blogging about the space. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tell us why @BeyondBylines.

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This might be a little belated, but I just want to thank all of you for your blog submissions through PR Newswire for Bloggers.

I look at each and every one of them, and I keep a list (and sometimes I check it twice).

The most common blog type I receive definitely goes to lifestyle.

So, it’s time to look at some great lifestyle blogs.

1. Cheap is The New Classy

Cheap is The New Classy is a family and lifestyle blog that aims to help readers find ways to live a good life for less.

Running the ship is Dawn McAlexander, who loves home decor and DIY projects, organization, and travel. Cheap is The New Classy covers beauty/fashion, food, DIY, home and garden, family, pets, safety, and technology.

I liked several posts on this site. But my favorites were 10 Family Fun Activities (Hello, lawn Twister. Sign me up, pls), 10 Things You Need to Know When Serving Jury Duty, and Planting, Growing, Pruning: The Ultimate Guide to Fresh Herbs.

There also was this extremely tempting post on 10 Decadent Cupcake Recipes. Honestly, I could just keep going on here.

Follow @TheNewClassy on Twitter.

2. Mocha Man Style

Mocha Man Style is an online destination for “modern, sophisticated men who like fashion, cars, travel, fine dining, and music.” The site is managed by publisher and editor-in-chief Frederick J. Goodall.

“Our mission is to deliver valuable content that resonates in the lives of our audience,” the blog says.

This site covers a lot of territory. Some fun posts include 5 Indie Artists You Should Hear, Two Fun Days in Miami Beach, FL, and Ammo&Amor Combines Luxury and Simplicity in New Line of Street Wear.

Follow @MochaManStyle on Twitter.

3. Lifehacker

Lifehacker offers “tips, tricks and downloads for getting things done.”

It’s managed by editor-in-chief Whitson Gordon.

I like Lifehacker because it’s no nonsense.

The Best Ways to Make Healthy Food Taste Better? Sure, I’ll take that. I also liked Compile a Bare-Bones Budget Alongside Your Normal One, and How to Deal With a Difficult Landlord.

The latter includes tips like be a good tenant, communicate your needs clearly, document everything, and talk with other tenants. All good information.

Follow @lifehacker on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for the blog profile topics? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for consumer and lifestyle news, let us know. We’re happy to customize that news feed for you on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Christine Cube is a media relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Follow her @cpcube.

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1 Response

  1. Cecilia says:

    Great idea on the weekly blog profiles. Part of what makes a blog popular is that they develop their own and original content and not curated from other blogs. Moving forward, perhaps this element can be added to your review?

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