Blog Profiles: Cheese & Fine Dining Blogs

Cheese and Fine Dining Blogs

Cheese and Fine Dining Blogs We Love

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, PR Newswire media relations manager Christine Cube selects an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job with promoting and blogging about the space. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tell Christine why on PR Newswire for Bloggers.

This holiday weekend, my brain wants to firmly plant itself on wine and cheese.

So let’s go there.

Cheese Notes is dedicated to cheesemaking, cheese tasting, and the appreciation of all things cheese by cheesemaker Matt Spiegler.

Spiegler says the blog was “created to enable my pursuit of the lactic art and science known as cheese in all its forms; from cheesemaking to cheese tasting, dairy and agricultural politics and using this blog to share links of interest and aggregate all the cheese knowledge I’m finding in my daily development as a cheesemaker.”

This is a neat site. Some of my favorite posts include this recent post where Spiegler links to another food blog about Italian affineur Luigi Guffanti. (I love it when bloggers give other blogs props on great content.) Also, there was this hard-hitting news bite: Newsweek: French Cheesemakers Crippled by EU Health Measures.

Follow @CheeseNotes on Twitter.

It’s Not You, It’s Brie is honestly one of the best blog names I’ve come across. Fantastic.

The blog is written by author Kirstin Jackson, who wrote the book of the same name, “It’s Not You, it’s Brie: Unwrapping America’s Unique Culture of Cheese.”

According to the blog, Jackson is a “cheese and wine writer, consultant, educator, professionally trained cook, wine bar manager and cheese program director, whose fridge and head is almost entirely consumed with cheese. She blames her parents, who took her on trips to the California dairy country at a very young age, for feeding the obsession, and dually thanks them for bringing her back pounds of Joe Matos St. George cheese when she’s unable to accompany them on trips.”

Marinated Manchego: A Different Kind of Party Trick looks almost good enough to eat on my computer screen. Also pretty fascinating was Jackson’s coverage of the American Cheese Society conference in Sacramento this year. Her post, My 6 Favorite Parts of CheeseCon: An ACS Breakdown, was equal parts informative and amusing.

Follow @ItsBrieBlog on Twitter.

Kirbie’s Cravings is the San Diego food site of Kirbie, who “grew up surrounded by wonderful food and people who have a passion for food. My grandparents have always taken me to amazing restaurants. At home, my mom is a wonderful cook. In high school my friends gave me the nickname ‘Kirbie’ because I’m constantly eating and have the ability to eat large amounts of food and metabolize it quickly and be hungry again within the hour.”

Kirbie writes mostly about San Diego food, but also has discussed food around Los Angeles, Orange County, the Bay Area, or wherever she visits.

While living in San Diego, I suddenly feel like I missed out on some great places Kirbie writes about like Carnitas’ Snack Shack in Del Mar.

While the blog covers quite a bit of ground on food and recipes, it has a pretty spectacular fine dining restaurant category. In it, you’ll find great reviews like Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, a two-Michelin-star restaurant in London.

Follow @kirbiecravings on Twitter.

Madame Fromage is about a blogger who “lives in a tall brick house on a cherry-blossom-strewn street in Philadelphia. Her fridge is always stocked in case there’s cause for a party.”

“Unlike most people who have a nibbling relationship with cheese, Madame Fromage has an obsession,” the blog reads. “Three years ago, she began a dairy diary on Blogger, and the rest is fricassee. She can’t leave the house without a cheese valise. Or at least a plate of appetizers.”

What a cool blog. The site is peppered with beautiful photographs and interesting posts about cheese. A couple of my favorites include How I Met Melville and How to Talk to a Cheesemonger.

The latter offers some great tips, including: Ask what’s in season, lay out your weaknesses, always eat the sample, and take a risk.

Follow @MmeFromage on Twitter.

What’s Cooking presents “fine dining my way” by Amanda, who’s in her 30s and when she’s not in the kitchen, she’s a lawyer.

This is technically a food and cooking blog, but it offers so much more. Honestly, Amanda recently had me at cornmeal buttermilk waffles with cherry syrup.

“This site is a home for the tales of culture, family and personal growth through the lens of cooking and eating, which are universal human experiences, but unique to each person,” Amanda writes on her blog. “I wanted to share my corner of it from my tiny kitchen in New York City because I want to leave something for posterity when the ephemeral smells, sounds and tastes of cooking have already been savored and committed to memory.”

So among the things that drew me to the blog was the art. The pictures.

Some of my favorite posts include Jalapeno Lemonade with Basil and Mint, Olive Oil Cake with Lavender and Rosemary, and Stuffed Fried Zucchini Blossoms in Beer Batter.

Follow What’s Cooking on Facebook.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for the blog profile topics? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for food (even cheese and fine dining) news, let us know. We’re happy to customize that feed for you on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Christine Cube is a media relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. She’s very unhappy to know that cold chicken soup is all that’s in her fridge. This is unacceptable. Follow her @cpcube.


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1 Response

  1. November 24, 2014

    […] I may have been looking forward to revisiting food blogs since April (Food Blogs, Volume 1) or even when I reviewed beer, wine and spirits blogs in June. Or coffee. Or cheese and fine dining. […]

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