Blog Profiles: Pet Blogs

Pet Blogs

Pet Blogs We Love

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job with promoting, contributing, and blogging about the space. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tell us why @BeyondBylines.

Pets are clearly one of our favorite topics because we also have roundups for blogs focusing on pet grooming, dog fostering, puppies, veterinarians, and more.

It was World Animal Day a couple of weeks ago.

According to the site, World Animal Day began in 1931, during a convention of ecologists in Florence, Italy as a way to highlight the plight of endangered species. Since then, the day is spent remembering and paying tribute to all animals and the people who love and respect them. It’s celebrated on Oct. 4.

So in the spirit of World Animal Day, I give you these fine animal and pet blogs.

1. The Pet Blog Lady

The Pet Blog Lady celebrates our pets.

This is a fun site written by pet blog lady Lisa Taron.

Incidentally, I’m a cat person and I found this graphic – Cat Person or Dog Person … Which One Are You? – very amusing.

I like this blog because it features a lot of great information. Blog posts like Protect Your Pets This Fall With a Pool Safety Cover and A Guide to Pet Proofing Your Home – Infographic feature very important tips.

For example, did you know that dogs sweat from their paws to keep cool? That’s in the infographic. I had no idea. It’s a good tip to avoid lengthy walks on hot surfaces at a minimum, if you’re out with your dog.

And, if you’d like to help guest contributor Diane C. Nicholson name her new goat, she’s accepting submissions.

Follow @ThePetBlogLady on Twitter.

2. Dogster

For the “love of dog,” we have Dogster.

What immediately caught my eye with Dogster was this post: Meet a Luxury Hotel Owner Helping Abused and Homeless Animals on Mexico’s Coast, which is about California native Janice Chatterton, who founded a rescue group and a shelter in Puerto Vallarta with space for 130 dogs and cats. It’s an incredibly moving piece.

This is a fantastic site. Not only does it feature top stories, there also is a recommended list of the most-commented stories. Some of those fascinating pieces: Should Dogs Wear Halloween Costumes? and Ask a Vet: Should Dogs Exposed to Ebola be Euthanized?

The latter post presents a tough situation, in light of the news surrounding Ebola.

“There has not been sufficient research to rule out the possibility that dogs exposed to the virus could pose a risk to humans,” says Eric Barchas. “As I’m sure you’re aware, Ebola is an incredibly scary disease. Public health officials are acting under a media microscope, and they’re not in any mood to take chances.”

Prefer cats? That’s fine. There’s also Catster.

Follow @dogster on Twitter.

3. BlogPaws

BlogPaws is a global community of “pet enthusiasts who write about and support pets via social media.”

This site adds a unique spin to pet blogging, offering tips to bloggers on their craft.

For example, in Harness The Power of Halloween for Your Pet Blog, blogger Robbi Hess talks about inspiration and lists a bunch of topics bloggers could consider to carry content through the month of October.

Some of these Halloween-related topics: Halloween costumes for pets (the good, the bad, the safety issues, and how to make your own pet costumes), the dangers of Halloween for pets (the fear they could escape when you open the door for trick-or-treaters and ways to prevent it, the dangers of Halloween candy), or a do-it-yourself post about a pet bed or shelter for feral cats in the neighborhood.

Other interesting posts on BlogPaws include What is Your Pet Blog’s Social Media ROI? and 7 Ways to Build a Tighter Focus Blog.

Follow @BlogPaws on Twitter.

4. covers the whole spectrum of pets with a dog and cat blog, products, pet care and services, insurance, health information, and forums.

Great information tucked away in Dog Tips and Dog Advice.

In the cat blog, readers will find posts like Help Celebrate National #FeralCatDay on Oct. 16 with Jackson Galaxy [Video] and How to Introduce a New Cat to Your Feline Family.

In the dog blog, I found some cool posts like Pups and Coffee Cups: Rescue Dogs While Enjoying Fair-Trade Coffee and 4 Blissful Tips on How to Include a Dog in Your Wedding.

This is just a neat site. There’s something for everyone here.

Follow @PetGuideTweets on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for animal and pet news, let us know. We’re happy to customize that feed for you on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Christine Cube is a media relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Her eldest nephew’s recent kitten adoption partially inspired this post, and she can’t wait to meet the new little guy. Follow her @cpcube.

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2 Responses

  1. Geo Zoo says:

    Great post. If you are pet lovers need more advice visit Geo Zoo.GeoZoo, we’re creating a site for animal lovers to share their knowledge about their various pets, allowing both inexperienced pet owners and seasoned veterans learn interesting facts about different animals, how to care for them, and all sorts of fun information you need to better understand our adopted companions.

  2. Mike B says:

    Theses are some great blogs to follow thanks for the list.

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