SURVEY: How Are Journalists Using Mobile Devices?

PR Newswire for Journalists Survey: Mobile Devices for Newsgathering

Mobile has transformed the way news is reported, distributed and consumed. Not only are journalists and bloggers using cellphones to take photographs and capture audio and video, some are exclusively using mobile in place of an office desktop.

To better understand how members of the media use mobile devices (phones or tablets) to produce stories, PR Newswire for Journalists is asking journalists, broadcasters, bloggers, freelancers and other content creators to participate in a quick, eight-question survey.

CLICK HERE to take our mobile devices survey

As a thank you for responding, you will be entered into a drawing to win your picture on the Reuters billboard in Times Square (optional).

The survey aims to identify:

  • how much time journalists spend conducting work tasks on a mobile device;
  • what percentage of journalists’ time on a mobile device is spent on email;
  • what types of tasks journalists do on mobile devices;
  • how journalists use mobile apps; and more.

The survey will remain open until December 31, 2014. Please take a moment to answer this quick survey at

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