Around The Wire: Accidental News Junkie, NYT’s Cacciola Returns and More Media News

Welcome to Around the Wire, PR Newswire’s round up of journalism, blogging and freelancing stories from the week.

Photo by lauren michell; used under CC BY 2.0

Photo by lauren michell; used under CC BY 2.0

1. Journalism in the Age of the Accidental News Junkie (The Atlantic)

Getting the news each day has taken on a whole new shape. For most, it’s not the newspaper skipping across your front porch anymore, but social media newsfeeds. Now, we wake to find alerts on our phones and open our favorite news apps before we turn on the TV.

The majority of millennials find their news through Facebook. But that’s not what they are looking for. They stumble upon stories through their newsfeed as they keep up with statuses and likes. It’s more of an accident than anything else, and it creates an intriguing list of what these young people actually read.

2. What the New York Times Learned From Pulling its Knicks Beat Writer This Season (Poynter)

Typically, being pulled from your beat is not a good thing. But that hasn’t been the case for Scott Cacciola. The Times decided to no longer have him cover the New York Knicks, who were, and still are, the worst team in basketball. Instead, beginning in January, Cacciola was given the opportunity to report on basketball stories that still had meaning. This is quite the contrary to a pro team that had given up on its season a long time ago. In the process, all the parties involved have learned some valuable lessons.

3. Sunshine Week Shines Light on Lack of Freedom (USA Today)

Highlighting the need for improved and consistent government transparency, Sunshine Week launched last Sunday. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the event that had originally been branded “Sunshine Sunday.” Offering sustained support for the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Sunshine Week is something all journalists should keep an eye on.

4. At SXSW, The Story is Still What Matters (MediaShift)

As South By Southwest continues, one thing seems apparent. It’s all about the story. How you tell it, what platform it’s told on, are you live casting … the list goes on. This article breaks out some of the freshest ideas to come from the tech festival thus far. It reminds us that if you want people to listen, you better make it compelling.

5. Media News and Moves for the Week of March 16 (PR Newswire’s Media Moves)

Media Moves keeps you up to date with who went where in the world of media. This week’s edition includes changes at Politico, reworking the media desk at The New York Times, and an addition to the AP political team.

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Ryan Hansen is an audience researcher with PR Newswire keeping track of the latest New York media moves. Follow him @RPH2004 for tweets about media, food, and his general take on something that may be irrelevant.

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