Spring Into New Blog Post Ideas

Spring into new blog post ideas

Spring is in full bloom, the perfect time to revamp your blog with fun, new and creative ideas. Below is a list of 10 different types of blog posts you ought to try out:

1. Interview someone. Find an expert/influencer within your niche. I’ve mentioned this once before in my “Fighting Blogger’s Block” post. Interviewing experts benefits you in two ways: 1) Interviewing credible sources equals rich, informative content for your blog. 2) It can drive new traffic to your page, especially if your expert directs his own network toward your page. Find an expert for free here.

2. Produce more videos. The great part about creating video content is that your videos don’t even need to be long. If you’re aiming for more casual video content (as opposed to professionally filmed and edited), you can even use your smartphone. My favorite video editing program on iPhone is VideoShop (Download it. It’s great!). Not to mention, YouTube starts paying you a decent amount of money if your videos produce enough traffic.

3. Think of blogging themes. Ellen Degeneres had a weekly tradition on her show called “Classic Joke Wednesday,” so why can’t we incorporate this into blogging? There are also themes all over social media (e.g., #throwbackthursday). A themed-blogging schedule provides something fun for your readers to look forward to.

4. Host a giveaway/contest. For some strange reason unknown to man, people are obsessed with free things. If there’s an opportunity to win something that involves little to no effort, society is all about it. Giveaways and contests bring attention to your blog, which in turn drives in new traffic.

5. Share your travel experiences. Society is also naturally nosey — that’s why reality TV shows are such a big hit in this country. Travel experiences make interesting content, especially if the trip holds purpose within your niche. Through travel posts, readers can live vicariously through you and take note of your trip’s ups and downs.

6. Answer questions. Encourage your readers to ask you questions, then create a blog post answering those questions. Not only does this provide useful information for your readers, but it also gives those asking questions a chance to be featured on your blog. (It’s even better and more fun if you post a video response.)

7. Provide inspiration. Write about why you started blogging in the first place. Help others find inspiration. (I did that recently on my ProfNet Connect blog.)

8. Create a list of experts. List experts within your niche (e.g., “Top 20 Mommy Bloggers”). This type of post also is more likely to be shared.

9. Use current events as inspiration. Write a post based on a current event or issue. Another way you can relate to others is through festive posts. Take certain holidays and weave them into your blog. In case you didn’t notice, I incorporated the arrival of spring into this blog post. 😉

10. Provide “hacks.” Readers love discovering new ways to make their lives easier. Provide little cheats within your niche (e.g., anything from “15 Social Hacks for Any Awkward Situations” to “20 Life Hacks You Should Know About”).

If you need more ideas for your next blog post, PR Newswire can help. Customize a newsfeed on PR Newswire for Journalists to receive content you care about or submit a ProfNet query, and we’ll send it to relevant subject matter experts in our network. Need photos and video? We’ve got you covered as well. The best part is that it’s all free. Contact us to learn more.

Melissa Ibarra is an online community services specialist at ProfNet, a service that connects journalists with expert sources. In the past, she has worked for CBS Sports and News 12 NJ and done freelance reporting for New Jersey News Room and Reel Reporting. She specializes in social media, graphic design, and video production. Follow her media journey @melibarraTV.

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3 Responses

  1. February 10, 2016

    […] But, allowing yourself a moment of spontaneity can excite your audience. Don’t be afraid to test a new format (like a video blog!) or mix it up with a long read. Catching your readers off guard with something […]

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