Around the Wire: Lessons from Pew’s State of the News Media & This Week’s Media Moves

Welcome to Around the Wire, PR Newswire’s round up of journalism, blogging and freelancing stories from the week.

Photo by dharder9475 used under CC by 2.0

Photo by dharder9475 used under CC by-NC

5 Key Takeaways from State of the News Media 2015 (Pew Research)

The Pew Research Center released their State of the News Media 2015 report on Wednesday in which they examined 13 media sectors including but not limited to Local TV News, Digital News Revenue, Newspapers and Podcasting. Here are five key takeaways from the report. Among the observations: more people are getting news through their mobile phones, newspapers and cable news stations continue to struggle while network and local television stations witnessed an increase in viewership.

The Baltimore Sun Sets Traffic Record with Freddie Gray Coverage (Poynter)

The story of Freddie Gray and his untimely death has reverberated throughout the nation, and the daily page views record The Baltimore Sun broke on Monday is a clear indicator. Matthew Bracken, director of audience engagement and development for the paper, spoke of how the story has “galvanized” the newsroom and about the shoe-leather reporting approach that has taken place within.

On the Deep Grammar of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner (PressThink)

Over the weekend, Howard Fineman, the Global Editorial Director of Huffington Post Media Group, tweeted: “entering #WhiteHouseCorrespondentsDinner weekend. We all hate it; it’s antithesis of journalism; but everyone goes to every party they can.”  In this piece on PressThink, NYU professor Jay Rosen asks of the dinner: Is it possible for journalists who claim to be a ‘watchdog’ for the people to participate in insider events like this?

Collaborating Across Borders: European Journalists Band Together to Track the Migrant Crisis (NiemanLab)

Two years ago, a group of European investigative reporters, mostly freelancers, began collaborating on a project titled “The Migrant Files.” What started as a look into how many migrants die each year attempting to reach Europe has gone on to be the biggest investigation into these deaths and an award-winning example of data journalism’s importance.

Media Moves and News for the Week of April 27

Media Moves keeps you up to date with who went where in the world of media. This week’s edition includes multiple additions at The Huffington Post, the release of a new publication geared towards Latinas and the end of a long-running Univision program.

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Stephanie de Ruiter is an audience researcher with PR Newswire keeping up with media moves throughout the nation with a focus on blogs and online publications.

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1 Response

  1. October 23, 2015

    […] no secret that more and more users are absorbing news through their mobile phones. In fact, a recent report from The Pew Research Center proves this, which is why driving traffic through mobile devices is […]

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