Media Insider: Insights into Online Communities and Audiences, An Editor Remembered, and Media Moves

Welcome to Media Insider, PR Newswire’s round up of journalism, blogging and freelancing stories from the week.

Photo by mkhmarketing used under CC BY 2.0

Photo by mkhmarketing used under CC BY 2.0

Research: Why Communities Are a Key “Strategic Resource” for Magazine Publishers (Online Journalism Blog)

Two professors from Finland recently published a report concerning online communities and why they are great resources for strengthening engagement, developing loyalty and cultivating deeper insight into an audience’s overall interests. The researchers presented four new roles that journalists should adopt in order to collaborate with an audience community: observer, developer, facilitator and curator.

What to Write About to Get the Audience You’ve Dreamed of (Write to Done)

Blogger and researcher Will Blunt discusses a proven strategy called “social proof” in order to decide what to write about and how to make the writing resonate with readers. Google Trends or are expedient tools used to discover relevant ideas and whether or not “a topic is on the right trajectory, and worth writing about.” The author continues by exploring three notions that need consideration when it comes to social proof. This piece is a great resource for any writer looking to make their content extra “shareable.”

5 Things John Carroll Taught Me About Great Investigative Projects (Poynter)

Writer Rick Edmonds recalls fond memories of who he considers his “most important mentor,” the late John S. Carroll, who died this past week at 73 from a rare neurological disorder. Carroll is considered one of the most influential newspaper editors of his time, working at several newspapers for decades and editing many investigative projects that have garnered Pulitzer Prizes.

Edmonds shares 5 lessons he learned from Carroll when it comes to producing great investigative pieces and how these lessons have carried him through his own journalistic career. Carroll’s obituary may be found here.

Some Big News About the Society’s Code of Ethics (Code Words)

The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) recently released their Code of Ethics free online. Here they announce several add-ons to the journalism resource that may be used as a guide for the “ethical practice of journalism.” These additions include links to supporting documents and extra resources that accompany each principle, as well as new versions available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German and Spanish.

Media News and Moves for the Week of June 15 (PR Newswire’s Media Moves)

Media Moves keeps you up to date with who went where in the world of media. This week’s edition includes a former Boston Globe reporter joining The Washington Post, a new Editor for Forbes and several additions at BuzzFeed.

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Stephanie de Ruiter is an audience researcher with PR Newswire keeping up with media moves throughout the nation with a focus on blogs and online publications.

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