Blog Profiles: Doodle Blogs

Doodle blogs we love

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, PR Newswire selects an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job promoting, contributing, and blogging about it. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tell PR Newswire audience relations manager Christine Cube why on PR Newswire for Bloggers.

I love doodling. It was once my favorite pastime or just a way to pass away the minutes in a meeting, but now I have to schedule time to draw. I went out and bought a special sketch pad with the single purpose to doodle once a day. That was a year ago and it is filled with doodles, from my five year-old who took it over after about a month of collecting dust.

This week I’m sharing those who not only doodle, but share their work on the world wide web. Some even get paid for their art work.

Doodlers Anonymous is “a permanent home for spontaneous art.”  This is not just a blog, but a community with a blog for anyone with an addiction to doodling and the need to share their work. The blog itself shares doodlers and the stories behind their doodles.

Joining the community allows you to participate in showcases. A theme is given and participants are challenged to doodle something that fits the showcase. The last one was to design a wall clock and the six winners had their art turned into clocks and were sold online. Winners received a portion of the royalties.

Doodlers Anonymous now has a coloring book available composed of submissions from the community. You can color in the doodles from 90 artists from around the globe! That, to me, is just crazy cool and I can’t wait to get a copy.

Follow Doodlers Anonymous on Instagram.

The Notebook Doodles doodles on original photographs but also creates collages images and words. Most of the images contain quotes to inspire. There is a lovely quote from Downton Abby and another from Oscar Wilde, but this one of clouds talking is my current favorite.

What I like most about this doodler is that the doodle is not the image but the font. Their handwriting is creative and energetic with its own poetry.

Follow The Notebook Doodles on Instagram.

Imagine being paid to doodle! KC Doodle Art does not have to imagine, she does make money from her doodle art. KC’s art work is mainly line art and the kind that just screams color me.

KC’s lines are perfect and clean with wonderful little details that make each doodle special. One of my favorites from her blog is a lovely one of a hand and eye that makes me think of a henna tattoo. I’m also very fond of one that reminds my of a triquetra with an amazing amount of detail.

KC also is participating in something called InkTober which is a drawing challenge to do one ink drawing every day in October. Her first submission is the word inktober doodled with a floral design.

Follow KC Doodle Art on Instagram.

The last doodle blogger for today is Doodlemum. Doodlemum, or Angie Steven, records her daily life on her blog through doodles or sketches she does at the end of the day. She started five years ago as a way to help cope with “crippling post natal depression” and it worked and she has two books to show for it as well.

Her sketches range from her kids to her pets and capture one moment from the day like the cat looking at the supermoon or her son getting treated for a minor injury. I tried to look back to find the first doodle but stopped when I found this one from 2011 of her toddler, in a tent, looking at his tum – too cute for words.

Follow Doodlemum on Facebook.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Mary Johnson is the office manager in the PR Newswire Cleveland office. You can find her blogging at or oversharing on Instagram. Follow her on Twitter at @mryjhnsn.

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3 Responses

  1. If you are wondering what doodling is and How to doodle for beginners? What could be the possible doodle ideas for beginners? Looking for some easy doodle ideas and likewise? Then visit here –

  1. October 12, 2015

    […] nostálgicos por objetos tangibles como el papel, hace sentido el decir que estamos listos para adoptar a los garabatos como nunca […]

  2. October 15, 2015

    […] overload makes us nostalgic for tangible objects such as paper, it makes sense that we are ready to embrace doodles like never […]

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