Blog Profiles: Tea Bloggers

Tea Bloggers

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, PR Newswire selects an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job promoting, contributing, and blogging about it. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tell PR Newswire audience relations manager Christine Cube why on PR Newswire for Bloggers.

As an avid coffee drinker, I never truly understood tea until a recent trip to a tea shop that changed my opinion of the stuff. Not enough to switch to tea, but enough to appreciate it.

My son and husband wholeheartedly have embraced drinking tea and have been trying new flavors every week. Thinking about their adventures in tea tastings, I found several interesting blogs dedicated to having a cuppa.

Tea for Me is written by Nicole and her goal is “to make tea fun and accessible for my readers while helping to promote small tea businesses and share their stories.”

As a novice to tea drinking, I started with her list for beginners which includes Tools of the Trade, How to Brew Loose Leaf Tea, and Buying Your Tea. These are quite helpful with the basics of tea drinking. Just Say No to Tea Snobbery opened my eyes to the ugly side of some tea drinkers.

Follow Tea for Me Please on Instagram.

Georgia is the tea drinker behind Notes on Tea. She writes wonderfully detailed reviews on teas, teaware, and tea places with really gorgeous pictures.

Her series, Favorite Tea Ware, features tea drinkers in the blogging community. The variety of teaware is extensive and many look like pieces of art. The latest article in her series, Favorite Tea Ware of Kym Cooper of The Steepery in Australia, features Kym, who’s the founder of The Steepery Tea Co. and a certified tea master. I’m still not certain what a tea sink is, but all of the items featured are beautiful pieces of ceramic and steel.

Follow Notes on Tea on Instagram.

Rachana Rachel Carter writes iHeart Teas and is “a long time tea addict, a bit of a geek, and as crafty as can be.”

I took a quick tour of her blog and saw two posts about matcha on the front page of her site. Not knowing what it is, I learned that matcha is a finely ground powder of green tea that is grown and processed in a special way. It’s also used in traditional tea ceremonies.

Rachana, as it turns out, has many posts about matcha including recipes made with matcha like Matcha Bliss Balls by Nutriholist.

Follow iHeart Teas on Instagram.

A Tea Addict’s Journal is written by a tea fanatic who is said to have coined the term ‘grandpa style‘ of drinking tea.

Grandpa style of tea drinking is how this blogger’s grandfather drinks tea, but is also the way most Chinese drink their tea. Basically, it’s tea leaves thrown into a pot or thermos, topped with boiling hot water, and consumed until more water is needed.

Most of the articles are over my head. I had no idea what pu’er tea was until reading this blog, and I now know the proper way to store it. Many of the bloggers I looked at while researching for this stressed timing and temperature for the perfect cup. The author writes in The Drinkability Test how drinking grandpa style has altered his preferences and perceptions of tea, including what makes a good tea and why.

It’s also refreshing that the writer focuses on their tea experiences and does not accept products in exchange for posts. This blog is very much for the advanced tea drinker.

Follow Teafanatic on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for beverage news, let us know. We can customize a news feed for you on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Mary Johnson is the office manager in the PR Newswire Cleveland office. You can find her blogging at or as she overshares on Instagram. Follow her on Twitter at @mryjhnsn.

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3 Responses

  1. Jack Kramer says:

    I have a new product that quickly cools overheated tea etc. and would like to send you a free one. Do you have a P.O. Box number or mailing address?

  2. Jack Kramer says:

    I have a new product that quickly cools overheated tea etc. and would like to send you a free one. Do you have a P.O. Box number or mailing address? Check out my website for more information.

  3. Halmari Tea says:

    Great article. This was specifically something I was looking for!

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