On PR Newswire: Worst Companies, Best Beaches, Millennial Voters

With thousands of press releases published each week, it can be difficult to keep up with everything on PR Newswire for Journalists. Here are some of this week’s most newsworthy releases you might have missed. Members of the media can register for PR Newswire for Journalists at prnmedia.prnewswire.com.  Customize your profile to get the news releases you want before they make headlines. It’s free and takes only a few moments to sign up.

Source: PRNewsFoto/Tinder

Source: PRNewsFoto/Tinder

‘Swipe the Vote’ Campaign Update: Sanders and Cruz Take the Lead with Millennials on Tinder

Tinder, the app for meeting new people, partnered with Rock the Vote for ‘Swipe the Vote,’ a compelling campaign designed to attract millennials to participate in the voting process, and the results are in! According to Tinder users, Bernie Sanders was the leading choice for the Democratic nomination while Ted Cruz edged out his fellow Republican candidates. Sanders was matched with 37.8% of swipers, narrowly defeating his close rival Hillary Clinton who, at 37.6% is behind by just 200 matches – reinforcing the fact that every vote counts. The Republican winner Ted Cruz garnered 14.3% of overall votes, handily beating Donald Trump who was matched with only 8.1% of users. See the full release to learn about the results.

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FDA Takes Important Step to Increase the Development of, and Access to, Abuse-Deterrent Opioids

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on March 24 issued a draft guidance intended to support industry in their development of generic versions of approved opioids with abuse-deterrent formulations (ADF) while ensuring that generic ADF opioids are no less abuse-deterrent than the brand-name drug. The actions are among a number of steps the agency recently outlined in an action plan to reassess its approach to opioid medications. The plan is focused on policies aimed at reversing the epidemic, while still providing patients in pain access to effective relief. See the full release to learn more about the guidelines.

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best beaches

Source: PRNewsFoto/Family Vacation Critic

The Best Beaches for Families in 2016

Family Vacation Critic, TripAdvisor’s family travel site, has released its annual list of the Best Beaches for Families – naming the best beaches in the nation, specifically for families traveling with kids of all ages. “Choosing an ideal beach for families can be quite difficult,” explained Lissa Poirot, editor-in-chief of Family Vacation Critic. “Families are looking for beaches that are not only safe and clean, but also those that offer a level of convenience that meet the needs of those traveling with various age groups. Nearby accommodations, restaurants and attractions – as well as cost – all add to a beach’s appeal for families. This list of winners was hand-picked by our team of editors to highlight not only large, well-known beaches, but also some of the smaller hidden gems worth a visit.” See the full release to see what beaches are the best for families.

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New Temkin Group Research Shows that Consumers Have Most Bad Experiences With AirTran Airways, Time Warner Cable, Comcast, and HSBC

Temkin Group released new research, What Happens After a Good or Bad Experience, 2016. The report examines the relationship between 10,000 U.S. consumers and almost 315 companies across 20 industries. More than 20% of consumers who have interacted with TV service providers and Internet service providers report having a bad experience during the previous six months, the highest levels of any industry. AirTran Airways (28%), Time Warner Cable (27%), Comcast (27%), and HSBC (25%) have the highest levels of consumers reporting bad experiences. See the full release to learn which other companies made the list.

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Source: PRNewsFoto/U.S. Census Bureau

Source: PRNewsFoto/U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Population Aging Slower than Other Countries, Census Bureau Reports

America’s 65-and-over population is projected to nearly double over the next three decades, ballooning from 48 million to 88 million by 2050. However, the U.S. Census Bureau projects the U.S. population will age at a slower rate compared with other countries. Worldwide, the 65-and-over population will more than double to 1.6 billion by 2050, according to An Aging World: 2015. This new report from the Census Bureau examines the continuing global aging trend and projected growth of the population age 65 and over, with an emphasis on the differences among world regions. See the full release to learn more about the report.

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Larry Grady is online content manager at PR Newswire for Journalists.  He has worked in business media for nearly 30 years and enjoys reality TV and daydreaming about travel and wine.

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