Media Insider: Publishers Now Hiring Platform Specialists, Kuwait Advances in Digital News Game, and Bloomberg Business Becomes Bloomberg

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social media platforms and mobile devices

Photo by Esther Vargas used under CC BY-SA 2.0

The Rise of the Publishing Platform Specialist (The Wall Street Journal)

It appears publications now are hiring a point person to coordinate with new platforms like Facebook Instant Articles and Snapchat Discover. The Wall Street Journal reports these new options come with “new headaches.” Condé Nast International recently posted a job opening for a “platform relationships manager” to help coordinate and deepen its relationships with social media and video platforms, messaging apps and even hardware manufacturers, The Journal reports.

Bloomberg is Dropping the Business From Bloomberg Business to Leave Just Bloomberg (Digiday)

Bloomberg Business simply will be “Bloomberg.” The name change for the consumer financial site is part of a recent homepage redesign. Digiday reports that traffic to the site grew 38 percent year over year to 27.3 million unique visitors in February, per comScore U.S., and digital revenue grew 18 percent year to date versus the year-ago period, according to Bloomberg. The site itself has become more than just a business publication, having launched multi-platform verticals for opinion and politics.

NBC, Vox Partner Up For Ad Sales (MediaPost)

NBC and Vox media plan to sell ads across their TV and digital properties, which looks like the first time the two have collaborated like that since NBC made a $200 million investment in Vox last year, MediaPost reports. There eventually is going to be a lot more of that going around, as entrenched media brands buddy up to emerging media brands, MediaPost says. NBC and Vox are calling their joint arrangement Concert.

Why Kuwait’s News Outlets are Ahead of the Digital Game (Columbia Journalism Review)

Kuwaiti parliamentarians, opposition leaders, youth activists, and businessmen tend to stop talking when alerts light up their phones, which are glued to their hands and never on silent, Columbia Journalism Review says. Twitter and WhatsApp are the most frequent culprits. CJR also reports there appears to be little in the way of a generation gap in terms of how news is consumed. Elder statesmen are just as married to their phones as teenagers, and political statements—whether by standing parliamentarians or opposition figures—are almost always published exclusively on social media.

The New Day, A British Upstart, Casts Its Fate to the Newsstand (The New York Times)

The New Day, Britain’s youngest media start-up, doesn’t really have much of a digital presence. It doesn’t have a site or an app. This reliance on print comes as news outlets like The Huffington Post, Politico and Business Insider make stronger digital pushes into European markets and just as some of the region’s established titles are scaling back or ending print production altogether, The New York Times reports.

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Christine Cube is a senior audience relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Follow @cpcube or check out her latest on Beyond Bylines on PR Newswire for Journalists.

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1 Response

  1. this seems really amazing and interesting. i would like to know more about it for sure.

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