Blog Profiles: Children’s Book Review Blogs

Children's Book Review Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job promoting and contributing to the conversation. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet to us @BeyondBylines

The school year is coming to an end and summer is knocking at the door. Keeping the kids entertained in the summer can be challenging. There are plenty of activities, but somehow, “I’m bored,” still gets thrown around often. My solution is having plenty of books around to offer them when they get restless.

Today, I’m focusing on blogs dedicated to books for kids.

1. Readertotz

Dedicated to board books, Readertotz reviews the best books for babies and tots. Their mission, “raising the profile and quality of infant/toddler books,” to instill an early love of reading.

Our family loves to read about Pete the Cat, but I had no idea that there were also board books available until it was featured on Readertotz. Poetry books like Sweep Up the Sun and Among a Thousand Fireflies are also featured. With a wide selection of review board books, it would be hard to not find one to share.

Follow on @Readertotz on Twitter.

2. 7 Impossible Things Before Breakfast

This blog reviews illustrated children’s books with adults in mind. It was started in Aug. 2006 by two best friends. Although one left to advance her career, Jules continued and has kept 7-Imp, as it’s nicknamed, going strong.

There is nothing worse than a wonderful children’s story with terrible illustrations, but you won’t find any of those here. In Harold’s Hungry Eyes, Jules shares a little on how the illustrations were created and A Peek into Denise Fleming’s Studio shares images created by the illustrator of Maggie and Michael Get Dressed.

Follow @SevenImp on Twitter.

3. This Kid Reviews Books

And last but not least, an actual kid who reviews books!

This Kid Reviews Books is written by 14-year-old Erik. Erik’s blog started when a kid recommended a book for him while shopping with his grandmother. He figured that if he needed help, other kids may need it, too. And, ‘This Kid’ also wrote a book!

I appreciate that this blog is organized by age. Since he has been reviewing books on his blog since he was nine, I feel like we can find age appropriate books that may even correspond to a time when he was that age. I’m partial to picture books and enjoy his Perfect Picture Book Friday series.

Follow @ThisKid_Erik on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for book or publishing news, let us know. We can customize a news feed for you on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Mary Johnson is the office manager in the PR Newswire Cleveland office. You can find her blogging at or as she overshares on Instagram. Follow her on Twitter at @mryjhnsn.

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3 Responses

  1. I love reading. This is a very informative article!!

  2. Tim Smith says:

    Very Exciting, good job, and thanks for sharing such a good blog. Interesting stuff to read. Keep it up posting about Kids books. Thanks!

  1. June 5, 2016

    […] Reading nice things about 7-Imp. Here and here. And […]

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