Dem Convention, Day 1: Welcome to Philly

The PR Newswire Audience Relations team is covering the DNC! Follow us for a behind-the-scenes look.


Talk about a busy Day 1 in Philadelphia.

The Democratic National Convention immediately proved to be a different atmosphere than the GOP Convention in Cleveland. There was more people in town, more space to cover, and a lot of distance in between. So, a lot of the first day was spent figuring out how to get around.

Once PR Newswire audience relations managers Anna Jasinski and Christine Cube got a handle on things, the duo canvassed Media Pavilions A, B, and C to ensure journalists and members of the media were plugged into the official convention newsfeed.

Jasinski and Cube closed out the day at the Politico Hub, working on sign ups for PR Newswire for Journalists and listening to the first day’s main speakers.

Need convention news? Sign up for the official convention newsfeed or reach out to the team at [email protected].

PR Newswire also is releasing political campaign and election news through November.

Follow @BeyondBylines and @PRNPolicy for more convention coverage and live tweets from panel events and speeches. Or, follow anna.jasinski on Snapchat for an insider look at what it’s like to be on the ground at the DNC.










Christine Cube is a senior audience relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. She’s tweeting convention scenes and sightings at @cpcube. If you need assistance, send her a tweet.

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