Dem Convention, Day 4: Finishing Strong

The PR Newswire Audience Relations team covered the conventions! Did you miss us? Here’s the GOP Convention: Day 1, 2, 3, and 4. And then on to Philadelphia for the DNC Day 1, 2, and 3


Talk about a whirlwind, history-making couple of weeks.

The PR Newswire team descended on Cleveland for the GOP Convention before moving onto Philadelphia to cover the Democratic National Convention.

The team finished strong, processing copy for the DNC and wrapping media sign-ups for the official convention newsfeed.

Audience relations managers Anna Jasinski and Christine Cube started the morning of Day 4 live-tweeting from a panel with RealClearPolitics on “The State of the Race” with panelists Margie Omero, executive vice president with Penn Schoen Berland; Anna Greenberg, senior vice president of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner; Sean Trende, senior political analyst at RealClearPolitics; Greg Strimple, with GS Strategy Group; and Ed Goeas, president/CEO of The Tarrance Group.

Jasinski and Cube then popped into the POLITICO Hub to catch a panel discussion on “Diversity or Disconnect? The Future of the Democratic Party,” featuring Joel Benenson, chief strategist for Hillary for America. Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Matt Wuerker was also live-drawing on-site.

And then talk show host Chelsea Handler walked into the room and sat in the POLITICO Hub studio for some Q&A on the election.

“Politics should not just be someone who wants to be in the news,” Handler said. “There are people who want to make a difference in the world.”

Over at Wells Fargo Arena, Jean Arnold and Wendy Minter, with PR Newswire customer content services, continued managing the distribution of content for the Democratic National Convention Committee.

Below is a behind-the-scenes look at some of the happenings on the final day at DNC.


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For political and election-related material, sign up for PR Newswire’s political campaigns newsfeed. Reach out to the team for more information at [email protected].

Christine Cube is a senior audience relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Follow her at @cpcube or check out her latest on the Beyond Bylines blog.

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