Blog Profiles: Feminist Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job of promoting and contributing to the conversation. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet to us @BeyondBylines.

feminist blogs


Feminism, for some, is a cry for justice. For others, it is an ugly word associated with man-hating women.

On January 21, 2017, women from all over will come to Washington, D.C. to march together.

In preparation for my trip, I found some brilliant feminist blogs that focus on gender equality, and also the racism that sometimes exists within it.

1. Sister Outrider

Claire Heuchan is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Stirling. She researches Black feminist activism in the U.K. with a focus on Black feminist theory, activism and writing. She is also a “Black radical feminist” who writes the Sister Outrider blog.

It never occurred to me that there was racism in feminism. Then, I came across Ain’t I a Woman? Racism in the Feminist Movement. I was mortified at my own ignorance.

For the White Woman Who Wants to Know How to be My Friend: A Black Feminist Guide to Interracial Solidarity is the final piece in her series about racism in feminism. Her writing is honest and passionate. And, her passion made me feel uncomfortable — the kind of uncomfortable that pushes me to want to speak up and do more.

2. F to the Third Power

In the fall of 2010, the students in Ileana Jiménez’s Intersectional Feminism and Activism course at Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School created a blog. It’s still going strong. F to the Third Power showcases the essays from young people in the course.

Everyone can relate to struggling with identity, but Black women especially understand this. White feminists sometimes fail to see that white women and women of color are fighting a different fight. In Don’t Make Me Choose Between My Race and my Gender, the author writes, “incorporate intersectionality into all movements and come to terms with the fact that the ‘Hierarchy of Oppression’ is nonexistent.” Feminism needs to do a better job at fighting for all rights.

Teaching Boys to be Feminists argues why boys should be educated at a young age about these issues (and, in my opinion, before it’s too late). Silencing Black girls on Sexual Harassment and Rape is a powerful essay on holding boys accountable for their actions, with a brief history on why Black women stay silent.

Follow @feministteacher on Twitter

3. The FBomb

Julie Zeilinger is the founder and editor of The FBomb. Zeilinger created an online community for teen and college-age individuals to share their views and discuss their rights. The “intersectional teen feminist media platform” is published by the Women’s Media Center.

Feminism is not a new concept, not even in the 1960s. In How This Historic Icon Influenced Feminist Writers Today, contributor Gabby Catalano shares the story of Sappho, a poet and songwriter. Sappho was also a feminist and lesbian in 615 B.C.

In November 2016, Halima Aden, a Somali-American Muslim teenager made it to the semifinals of the Miss Minnesota USA pageant, while wearing a hijab. Faatimah Solomon shares her feelings on this in What A Hijabi Beauty Contestant Means To Hijabi Teens.

Finally, one post that stands out for me is Calling Out Everyday Sexism. Julie Graves does not mention what grade she is in or how old she is, but she writes about the inequality she sees on her debate team — a place where she thought she could have a voice. She shares how she navigates the hardships, and how she encourages her friends to take a stand against sexual assault.

Follow @the_fbomb on Twitter.

4. Adios Barbie

I was immediately drawn to this blog because of the title. I’m a curvy girl who’s never been a big fan of the Barbie image. With that in mind, Adios Barbie works to “create articles, collaborate on campaigns, lectures, events that redefine perceptions of identity, body, beauty, and power.”

My daughter called me squishy one day and I knew it was time to get to the gym. She didn’t say it negatively — it was just a fact and that was the word she thought of at the moment. When the weight started coming off, she asked me if I wanted to be straight. After m-a-n-y questions, I realized she was using the word “straight” to describe “skinny.” Words matter and I was accidentally raising a ‘fat positive’ kid.

Adios Barbie also tackles topics like honoring your faith and being fashionable as well as recognizing figure diversity.

Follow @AdiosBarbie on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for women’s interest news, let us know. We can customize a news feed for you.

Mary Johnson is the office manager in the PR Newswire Cleveland office. You can find her blogging at or as she overshares on Instagram. Follow her on Twitter at @mryjhnsn.


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1 Response

  1. March 3, 2022

    […] Feminist Blogs: Back in 2017, we recognized a few feminist blogs that focus on gender equality and the racism that sometimes exists within it. […]

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