Media Insider: Snapchat Launches Universal Search, Facebook De-Emphasizing Live Video To Publishers, Axios Replicates Twitter

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Snapchat launches universal search, Facebook de-emphasizing live video to publishers

Snapchat Launches Universal Search To Simplify Navigation (TechCrunch)

Finding content and conversations most important to you will be much easier with Snapchat’s new universal search feature. The search bar will appear at the top of the app, reports TechCrunch, and is designed for speed so that users can locate what they want and keep snapping. With complaints surfacing about navigation difficulties, brands itching to attract larger audiences, and Snap’s need to create opportunities for revenue as it heads towards its 2017 IPO, the universal search feature is a move in the right direction for users.

Facebook Looks Like It’s Going To Stop Paying Publishers To Make Live Videos (Recode)

It’s no secret that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a strong advocate for live video. The social platform spent more than $50 million last year paying publishers and celebrities to create live video. This type of spending, however, could be a thing of the past. Numerous publishers say that Facebook is de-emphasizing live video and pushing for them to create longer, premium video content, Recode reports. Facebook will continue to push live video campaigns that target regular users, but it is unclear if Facebook Live contracts with publishers and celebrities will be renewed.

‘A Marriage Of Twitter And The Economist’: How Axios Is Serving Up News For Social Media Addicts (Poynter)

Read, scroll, swipe — the routine for content consumption — is the inspiration for the new interface. The design resembles a cross between Twitter and The Economist, reports Poynter, and features a feed that consists of short bulletins created by the company’s team of writers and curators. The team wanted a product design that empowers readers to digest news on their terms. They also want to replicate a user experience that’s been successful on other social media platforms.

Tarbell, Launched By An Ex-Health Insurance Exec, Will Focus On Corporate Cash’s Political Influence (NiemanLab)

Wendell Potter, a former health insurance executive, wants to bring awareness to the processes of how large companies and lobbyists influence the way government does business. According to NiemanLab, his reader-funded reporting project, Tarbell, will focus on behind-the-scenes political influencers and expose readers to issues through unbiased reporting. The site’s name comes from early muckraker Ida Tarbell, and will use the talents of freelancers and contractors to report on corruption at all levels of government. Potter plans to get the bulk of the funding for Tarbell from readers, with a crowdfunding campaign starting this spring.

The Intersection Of Race, Sports And Culture: Kevin Merida And The Undefeated (Columbia Journalism Review)

The Undefeated and its EIC Kevin Merida have garnered attention for being a sports site that features stories on culture and politics through a racial lens. This is largely due to the transition from Obama to Trump, not to mention other issues that have placed racial tensions at the heart of the American political conversation, reports CJR. Merida is a proud advocate of bringing diversity to newsrooms and has a resume that demonstrates his long-time commitment to journalism and helping people of color advance in the field. The Undefeated staffs a majority of African-Americans and is emerging as a top black-focused site. ComScore reports 922,000 unique visitors to the site in November.

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Tabresha B. Langham is a Customer Content Specialist with PR Newswire. She also is a social media junkie, foodie, music fiend and Auburn University Alumn (War Eagle!). Tune into her insights as a social curator at @PRNmedia, or follow @TabreshaL.

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