Media Insider: Trump Concerns Press Advocates, AP Incorporates UGC, Bleacher Report Shares Snapchat Discover Lessons Learned

Welcome to Media Insider, PR Newswire’s round-up of media stories from the week.


Photo by Gage Skidmore, used under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

According to the New York Times, President Donald Trump asked former FBI director James Comey to “consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information.” The Huffington Post reports the news alarmed press advocates who view Trump’s aggression toward the media as a violation of press freedom. Previous administrations have targeted leakers, but no news organizations ever have been charged for publishing classified information.

Perspective: The Hill’s David Webb on the media, leakers vs. Trump.

With AP Social Newswire, The Associated Press Makes A Foray Into User-Generated Content

The Associated Press launched the AP Social Newswire to allow user-generated content to be embedded into AP customers’ work. According to Poynter, the service works with the platform SAM to vet and verify content generated by users across the web. AP Social Media Editor Eric Carvin explained to Poynter the AP Social Newswire is critical with covering breaking news and allows reporters to quickly discover verified information so they can use their resources elsewhere.

ICYMI: Snapchat to launch new user-generated content campaigns.

Two Years In: What Bleacher Report Has Learned From Snapchat Discover

Two years after publishing to Snapchat Discover, the Bleacher Report team shares its best practices. What the team learned is that variety is important. The editorial team avoids using the same templates so they don’t neglect to learn new skills or bore their typically younger audience, reports Digiday. The team also learned that snaps should have one singular purpose — they differentiate this by determining which snaps will be used to increase swipe-ups, which will be published to increase shares and used to generate a large amount of views.

Did you know that Bleacher Report also publishes “Saturdays are Lit,” an exclusive Snapchat Discover that aims to reinvent the traditional Saturday morning football show for 14-24 year-old fans?

How News Partnerships Work: Commercial And Nonprofit Newsrooms Can Work Together To Benefit And Change Journalism

Nonprofit news organizations’ dependence on creative partnerships and commercial newsrooms’ staff cuts and limited resources create opportunities for the two to collaborate on quality journalism projects. According to API, collaborations between the two regularly produce exceptional work, including Pulitzer Prize winners. Successful partnerships tend to have specific goals, fill needs on both sides, and enable great journalism.

Here is a new partnership to follow: ABC13 partners with Community Impact Newspaper.

‘Respect Print And Grow Digital’: Survey Of Over 400 Local Journalists Reveal Optimism

Small market journalists are optimistic about their future in the local news industry and actively embrace digital technologies, reports CJR. According to a CJR survey of 420 journalists, 70 percent spend more time using digital than they did two years ago — video reporting and live video are among the most popular platforms. The study reveals that the growing interest in and use of digital is a result of wanting to reach younger audiences.

Related: Local news outlets find an unlikely ally in the duopoly.

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Tabresha B. Langham is a Customer Content Specialist with PR Newswire. She also is a social media junkie, foodie, music fiend and Auburn University Alumn (War Eagle!). Tune into her insights as a social curator at @PRNmedia, or follow @TabreshaL.

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