Blog Profiles: Wine Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. The latest roundup recognizes a few of our favorite wine blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Blog Profiles: Wine Blogs

In recent months, we’ve taken a closer look at some wonderful boozey-type blogs. Examples: whiskey and cider.

Today, we’re breaking down some awesome wine blogs.

Craving more wine content? Check out our roundup of wine blogs from 2021.

1. Vinography

Vinography was launched in 2004 by founder and editor Alder Yarrow.

Today, the site is “one of the most influential wine blogs on the Internet. Featuring wine and sake reviews, restaurant reviews, editorials, book reviews, wine news, and wine event coverage, Vinography publishes new content daily to a global readership.”

To start, Yarrow’s Wine News: What I’m Reading posts are impressively long and thorough. Here’s an installment from Jan. 28.

Other interesting recent posts from Vinography include A Long Awaited Journey (which talks about sake), Vinography Images: Moulin, and 2017: The Dangerous Vintage.

Follow @vinography on Twitter.

2. The Feiring Line

The Feiring Line is “the natural wine newsletter.”

It was created by Alice Feiring, who says: They’ve called me controversial and feisty but whatever, the fact is that I do find myself leading the international debate on wine made naturally. I found my métier in 2001 when I wrote an award-winning article for the New York Times, ‘For Better or Worse, Winemakers Go High Tech.’ Through researching the topic I uncovered a world of flavor- and aroma-changing additives. ‘Fraud,’ I cried, ‘Give me my wine back!’ And then I went to work.”

This is a fascinating wine blog. Feiring is constantly searching.

“I’m hunting the Leon Trotskys, the Philip Roths, the Chaucers and the Edith Whartons of the wine world,” she says. “I want them natural and most of all, I want them to speak the truth even if we argue.”

Notable recent posts include The Birth of San Souffre Burgundy, Untold Stories from 2017, and How to Taste Wine.

Follow @alicefeiring on Twitter.

Alice Feiring of The Feiring Line blog

Credit: @alice.feiring on Instagram

3. Reverse Wine Snob

Reverse Wine Snob maintains that “wine doesn’t have to be expensive to be good.”

Blogger Jon Thorsen says, The bane of average wine consumers everywhere, wine snobs love to point out just how superior their $75 bottle of wine is to your $10 one.”

“My solution to this problem is to simply turn wine snobbery upside down — to become a Reverse Wine Snob,” he says. “I am a wine enthusiast for sure, but a wine enthusiast with an open mind and a reasonable budget!”

Reverse Wine Snob has some neat content. I particularly enjoy its Best Of Lists, for example, the best wines at Costco.

Other posts that caught my eye include What’s the Difference Between Old World Wines and New World Wines? Ask the Expert!, What’s the Right Way to Cellar Wines? Ask the Expert!, and Casillero Del Diablo Rose – Rejuvenating.

Follow @ReverseWineSnob on Twitter.

Reverse Wine Snob on Instagram

Credit: @reversewinesnob on Instagram

4. Grape Wall of China

So here’s a wine site that’s been covering the world’s biggest market since 2007: Grape Wall of China.

The site features events, daily updates from key wine media, and a newsletter. It’s managed by Jim Boyce.

Grape Wall has some really interesting content. In truth, I don’t think much about things outside my little bubble, so it’s fascinating to read how the wine industry in China operates.

Some great reads include Fruit forward | Hansen’s “new frontier” for Chinese wines, Spier today: Wines of South Africa road show in Beijing, and Q&A | Gold medalist Justin Corrans of Ningxia Winemakers Challenge.

Follow @beijingboyce on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for wine and spirits news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Christine Cube is a senior audience relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Follow her at @cpcube.

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2 Responses

  1. February 12, 2018

    […] think bigger than some of us have ever been allowed to think.”         Blog Profiles: Wine Blogs       […]

  2. November 23, 2021

    […] Craving more wine content? Check out our roundup of wine blogs from 2018. […]

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