Blog Profiles: Presidential History Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. We’re celebrating President’s Day and these presidential history blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Presidential Blogs

I just finished Fire and Fury — Michael Wolff’s explosive book on President Donald Trump.

To say it was interesting (politics aside) would be the greatest understatement of the year. And it’s only February.

I’ve always been fascinated by the position of the president. Being local to DC, I know many who have worked at the White House, which has only deepened my intrigue.

For Presidents’ Day, here’s a look at five blogs talking about the world’s most powerful.

1. Mike Purdy’s Presidential History

Mike Purdy is a presidential historian. He’s had a lifelong fascination with the presidents, dating back to his first presidential memory — John F. Kennedy’s inauguration.

Over the years, Purdy has read a number of books about the presidents (Note: He keeps a library of more than 600 presidential biographies). Because of his deep expertise, he’s often quoted by the media.

23 Mysterious Letters That Shaped an Obscure Presidency is an interesting read on Chester A. Arthur. If the name doesn’t ring a bell (which is fairly likely), he took presidency after the assassination of James A. Garfield.

I also enjoyed this post on Presidents Playing Poker Together.

Follow @PresHistory on Twitter.

2. My Journey Through the Best Presidential Biographies

Speaking of presidential biographies, Stephen Floyd also keeps quite the collection. He has almost 240 titles.

“After spending three years collecting 125 of the best presidential biographies I could find, I began systematically reading them in late 2012 (starting with George Washington, of course),” Floyd writes. “This site was originally created to log my journey and, possibly, embarrass my kids.”

I appreciated Floyd’s honest Review of “Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full” by Conrad BlackThe Best Biographies of John F. Kennedy helped me narrow my focus in picking a book on the president.

Follow Steve on WordPress

3. Dead Presidents 

Anthony Bergen is the lone voice on Dead Presidents, a blog dedicated to presidential history.

It features compelling stories, intriguing facts, original writing, and a lot of Q&As.

“I am captivated by the people who held the office, how they responded to challenges and what the legacy was that they left behind,” Bergen says, on the site. “The Presidency, to me, is the most unique position in the world.”

Anonymous asked: Who’s the earliest president we have a voice recording of? is a fun read. The answers include links to actual audio from 1889 and 1892. For even more fun, try this oldie: Ranking the Presidents…By Facial Hair.

Follow @Anthony_Bergen on Twitter.

4. Nerd Trips

Nerd Trips is a site by Sharon Boston, a Baltimorean working in the public relations field.

In her college and post-grad studies, Boston explored art history and journalism. She also loves to visit historic sites, like presidential homes, libraries, and birthplaces. The blog combines the best of Boston’s skills and hobbies.

While on a scavenger hunt to find statues of American presidents in London, Boston stopped in Fitzrovia — a neighborhood that was home to some pretty famous folks. You can see the sights via her post Roving through Fitzrovia for Famous Folks.

She also recently saw in person famous artwork depicting one of the biggest moments of the Revolutionary War. See for yourself in Holiday Travel: Washington Crossing the Delaware.

Follow @nerdtrips on Twitter

5. White House Historical Association

As a bonus, I hoped to include a blog on the First Ladies of the United States.

Unfortunately, a deep search produced only a few sites, and all were supremely outdated. (Hey bloggers, that’s a big missed opportunity one of you could capitalize on ASAP).

The White House Historical Association, however, does share bios and interesting information about these women — and the presidents, too.

Pioneering Women of the Woodrow Wilson White House is a great read. I also enjoyed the quick bios for Dolley Madison and Lou Hoover.

Follow @WhiteHouseHstry on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for political news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Anna Jasinski is senior manager of audience relations at PR Newswire and a former magazine journalist. Follow her on Twitter at @annamjasinski


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1 Response

  1. February 19, 2018

    […] Each week, we feature a handful of blogs we love to follow. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Blog Profiles: Presidential History Blogs […]

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