Blog Profiles: Health & Wellness Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. The latest roundup features a few health and wellness blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

health and wellness blogs

Maintaining health is important to me.

I’ve got a lot of bad genetic juju that promises to take me down, and I’m doing everything I can to fight this destiny.

I regularly exercise and practice yoga. I also have become a believer in Ayurveda – this is a fairly new development that’s become part of my routine in the past year.

Here are some health blogs that help me stay on track with my goals.

1. HuffPost’s Wellness

I like the balance of health care and healthy living in Wellness. The site covers a mix of things, including meditation, mental health, therapy, stress management, and sleep.

I immediately identified with a couple of posts: This is Why Your Hands Are Always Cold and These Simple Tips Can Trick You Into Eating Healthier.

The latter talks about splurging on some nice dishware – I super appreciate the permission to do this! I’ve been dying for some new items for my kitchen.

Other notable posts: 12 Expert-Backed Tips to Help You Stop Biting Your Nails, 11 Little Ways to Support Someone With High-Functioning Depression, and 11 Surprising Reasons You’re Always Tired.

Follow @HuffPost on Twitter.

2. Well – The New York Times

Well is a great section of The New York Times that covers diet, exercise, mental health, family, and lifestyle.

For example, I would love to get more mini walks into my day. This piece talks about how 2-minute walk breaks add up.

Other interesting posts include How Exercise Can Keep Aging Muscles and Immune Systems ‘Young’, Can You Get Two Colds at Once?, and Scans Show Differences in Brains of Preschoolers with A.D.H.D.

Follow @nytimeswell on Twitter.  

3. Shots — NPR

Shots. What a clever name for a health blog.

NPR’s health section covers your health, treatment and tests, health companies, policy news, and public health information.

There’s a ton to see here.

A bunch of posts caught my eye, including Spending Bill Lets CDC Study Gun Violence; But Researchers Are Skeptical It Will Help, For Women With Low-Risk Pregnancies, Technology Can Reduce Doctor Visits, and Opioid Use Lower In States That Eased Marijuana Laws.

Follow @NPRHealth on Twitter.

4. Healthcare – The Hill

Since I’m from Washington, DC, I felt compelled to note a health policy news site.

The Hill’s Healthcare is a great place to get caught up on what’s going on in the policy world.

Brush up on these recent headlines: Iowa’s governor signs law allowing plans outside ObamaCare, Trump declares April 2 ‘World Autism Awareness Day’, and CDC director: US could end AIDS epidemic in three to seven years.

Follow @thehill on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for health and wellness news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Christine Cube is a senior audience relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Follow her at @cpcube.

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2 Responses

  1. Sagar says:

    We have to eat healthily as much as possible. Consume water according to the requirements of our body. Try to reduce stress by doing small things for ourselves.

  2. Thanks for sharing such important information your content is very impressive.

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