Targeted News Releases: 7 Easy Steps For Journalists and Bloggers

7 Steps for Targeted News Release Delivery title with open laptop and hands typingCan we all agree that spam emails are the worst?

Good, we’re all on the same page.

Unfortunately, journalists too often are the victims of receiving unsolicited news stories. The days of mailing or faxing news stories are in the past, so instead of releases cluttering their desks, journalists’ inboxes are now filling up with content that may or may not be relevant to their publication or beat.

So how is a journalist supposed to sift through potentially hundreds of emails to find the types of stories they’re looking for?

Registered users of PR Newswire for Journalists can customize their newsfeed with the specific industries, subjects, and geographic regions they want. They’re also able to set the email delivery and schedule of their choice.

PR Newswire for Journalists newsfeeds are completely in the control of the journalists and bloggers, who are vetted and registered for the service.

Looking for general technology news coming out of North America? Easy. What about medical equipment news for women in Ecuador? No problem. Setting up a profile that’s tailored to your specific needs can be done in a few easy steps.

Ready to get started?

Create a targeted newsfeed

1.  Click on “Edit my profiles” in the drop-down menu beneath your name at the top of PR Newswire for Journalists.  

PR Newswire for Journalists Homepage Dropdown with Edit my profiles option highlighted

2. If you are new to the site, you will be prompted to add a newsfeed right after you register.

PR Newswire for Journalists Create a Profile Button

3.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Create new profile.”

PR Newswire for Journalists "Edit my profiles" page

4.  Give your newsfeed profile a name and switch the email to YES in the “Link address to this profile?” section.

5.  Tell us how often you want to receive news from us. This can be daily, once a week, or in real time. Also, let us know if you want full-text, abstracts, or only headlines.

PR Newswire for Journalists News Release Feed setup for profile name, email and delivery options sections

6.  Select the type of news you want by keyword, company, industry, subject, geography, and language. Selections are displayed in the “Profile Criteria” box on the right for easy review.

PR Newswire for Journalists News Feed Profile Criteria section

7.  Click “Create Profile” and voila! You will receive news releases from PR Newswire on the days and times you selected.

PR Newswire for Journalists Food Industry News profile release results

Helpful Tips

  • Include double quotes around keywords and separate them with a space.
  • Less is more: Selecting fewer industry and subject codes helps to focus your results. Our team can help you streamline your search.
  • Don’t forget to select a language!

Creating your personal newsfeed weeds out the stuff you don’t want and delivers the items you do. If you switch beats or switch jobs, no problem. Newsfeed profiles can be changed at any time.

If you need assistance setting up a newsfeed or with other PR Newswire services for journalists, email [email protected] for a personal walk-thru.

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Authors Brett Savage-Simon and Rocky Parker work in audience relations at PR Newswire. Brett was a television reporter in her former life. Follow her @savsimonWhen she’s not working, Rocky can be found testing new recipes, binge watching a new Netflix series, or taking her pitbull puppy Hudson out around town.

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6 Responses

  1. June 1, 2018

    […] Meeting June 3rd at Swiss Hall – Tillamook County Pioneer         By Beyond Bylines Team: Targeted News Releases: 7 Easy Steps For Journalists and Bloggers         By Laura Hazard Owen: NPR is getting rid of some of its news blogs […]

  2. February 27, 2019

    […] Find out how easy it is to set up a newsfeed here. […]

  3. July 24, 2019

    […] you sign up for your free account, you will be able to create a custom newsfeed to help you cut through the clutter and receive the news that’s most relevant to you, on the […]

  4. June 18, 2020

    […] This post is an updated version of one originally published in […]

  5. July 26, 2020

    […] This post is an updated version of one originally published in […]

  6. August 19, 2021

    […] you sign up for your free account, you will be able to create a custom newsfeed to help you cut through the clutter and receive the news that’s most relevant to you, on the […]

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