Blog Profiles: Video Game Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week’s roundup covers a few unique video game blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

video game blogsE3 was last week, and as a tribute I thought it would be interesting to cover video game blogs.

There’s a certain art to writing informed articles and reviews about video games. Additionally, I’m mixing up the content a bit.

Because YouTube plays such a major role in how information about video games are disseminated (in the form of Let’s Plays, reviews, and responses), I felt that it was important to include them in these blog posts.


RETRONUKE covers the art of the pixel. It’s a great source of news, if you want something that leans more for independent games and developer news, rather than just going straight for the mainstream media big games.

It also covers older, eight- and 16-bit games (think: SNES and Gameboy) like F-Zero and Mega Man.

Some posts I liked: Castle Agony: Hi-Fun, Lo-Fi Action, Eagle Island Alpha Preview: Too Early to Take Flight

Follow @RETRONUKEdotcom on Twitter.


Credit: @retronukedotcom on Instagram

2. The Escapist

This online magazine is unique in that it specializes YouTube videos taking a critical peak at video games. Zero Punctuation, hosted by Ben Croshaw, is probably its highest-rated series, which breaks down series failures through large doses of wit.

It’s particularly enjoyable to watch it dismantle a video game that you particularly dislike.

Some videos I would recommend: Detroit: Become Human (Zero Punctuation), MINECRAFT (Zero Punctuation)

Follow @TheEscapistMag on Twitter.

3. Polygon

Polygon is really well known. Owned by Vox, it focuses on the news side of video games, while providing critical looks and reviews on video games (like the previous two sites mentioned).

Again, like The Escapist, Polygon also is well known for producing high-quality inside looks on video games (and also some funny reviews of video games, i.e. Monster Factory).

Posts I recommend: Watch 30 minutes of Daemon X Machina gameplay from E3, Meet Mark Doherty, the man behind the Fake Kaz Hirai Twitter account

Follow @Polygon on Twitter.

4. Destructoid

This site was founded in 2006 by Yanier Gonzalez (Wikipedia states that he created the blog so that he could attend E3).

This site is a little different from the couple mentioned above because it opens up conversation among gamers (not necessarily involved in the journalism business) through community blogging, which I think is always necessary for a pretty vocal industry.

Check out: My Nintendo has a print-ready cover for the new digital-only Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion

Follow @Destructoid on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for electronic gaming news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Savannah Tanbusch is a team lead and editor for PRWeb. She spends a lot of her free time thinking about dogs and playing video games. Follow her at @tanbusch.

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