Blog Profiles: Craft Beer Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week, we’re focusing on a few top-notch craft beer blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Craft Beer Blogs We Love -


If you want to try a craft beer these days, you are not hurting for choices.

Small breweries are experiencing a market rise in popularity according to The Atlantic’s piece: Craft Beer Is the Strangest, Happiest Economic Story in America.

Here are four craft beer blogs we love.

1. Good Beer Hunting

The contributors on Good Beer Hunting are from all over the globe. They work with all sizes of breweries, to introduce new beers, and plan events.

I enjoyed reading We Make Éclairs We Want to Eat — The Pastry Stout Problem, Deep Six: Beavertown Brewery’s Gamma Ray American Pale Ale, and Big Hops and Micromalsting — A Beer Birthed Over Earbuds.

Follow @goodbeerhunting on Twitter.


Credit: @goodbeerhunting on Instagram

2. Craft Beer Cellar

Co-founders Suzanne Schalow and Kate Baker have spent their lives searching the world for the best beers. You can find their retail locations here.

I recommend reading Insert Gose Pun Here, Saison Season is here!, and Hi, my name is Brett.

Follow @craftbeercellar on Twitter.


Credit: @craftbeercellar on Instagram

3. BeerTengoku

BeerTengoku’s contributors review Japanese craft beers, bars, and breweries.

Golden Slumber Pale Ale by Strange Brewing, Kyoto Beer Lab in Shimogyō-ku, Kyoto, and Yokosuka Beer Review Roundup are all great posts.

Follow @TengokuBeer on Twitter.


Credit: @beertengoku on Instagram

4. The Beer Healer

The Beer Healer brews in his shed on the weekends, and you can find him at Batch Brewing Company.

Check out: A Visit To Lanikai Brewing CompanyCraft Beer & E-Bikes In Sydney, and Craft Beer Rating Apps – Help or Hindrance.

Follow @BeerHealer on Twitter.


Credit: @beerhealer on Instagram

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for craft beer news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Stephanie Donovan is a Senior Customer Content Specialist at PR Newswire, who edits client news for distribution. She is an avid runner, enjoys yoga, and likes to find ways to live green. In her free time, she likes discovering new music, keeping up to date on the best new TV shows, and traveling. If you’d like to connect, you can find her on LinkedIn

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5 Responses

  1. Nice post. This kind of post is very helpful for everyone. Great work. keep

  2. Thanks for this content. I’ll surely look for those that you’ve mentioned above.

  3. siddy says:

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  4. Brent Dawson says:

    We are very proud of our work on You can search for the best craft breweries by region, state, city or zip. We review breweries and their top beers. Also lots of great tips on enjoying craft beer.

  1. July 24, 2018

    […] Lynn Dadd: Hotels, dish soap, labeling legislation, and more…         By Stephanie Donovan: Blog Profiles: Craft Beer Blogs       […]

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