Blog Profiles: Motorcycle Travel Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week’s roundup features a few motorcycle travel blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Motorcycle Travel Blogs We Love -

My family consists of a bunch of big motorcycle buffs.

In the ‘70s, my dad used to ride his motorcycle cross-country. I’ve always wanted to do that, but I can barely ride a bicycle properly (I also can in no way afford a motorcycle).

Other than a faint memory I have from when I was younger and rode motorcycles with my father, I know virtually nothing about them and thought it would be interesting to see what the motorcycle nomad might have to say about the world. These motorcycle travel blogs are worth a read.

1. Motorcycle Diaries

This blog began travelling the roads of Europe in 2008. They offer interactive features to help you plan your next motorcycle (or car) journey, showing what may be the most scenic route for you to take as you journey to reach your destination.

The blog has grown to feature adventures taken all around the world, and also has some general motorcycle interest pieces.

Posts I loved: Notier’s Frontiers: “With nothing but time”, Grossglockner

Follow @Moto_Diaries on Twitter.

Six recent posts from @motorcyclediaries on Instagram

Credit: @motorcyclediaries on Instagram

2. Vagabondnesss

Safia Miletus is a traveler on a budget with a plan “to live on the road as long as she can.” Her blog showcases a love for seeing the world and making the most of life, all the while saving a hefty amount along the way.

I liked this blog a lot because Safia comes across as someone with a bright personality who really just wants to share her happiness with the world. In certain ways, this gave her blog a self-help vibe, which I honestly found refreshing and enjoyable.

Posts I liked: How can a motorcycle traveler (on a budget) maintain long pink hair?, A 1-Minute Daily Habit That Will Change Your Life (And Travels!)

Follow @Vagabondnesss on Twitter.

Six recent posts from @vagabondesss on Instagram

Credit: @vagabondesss on Instagram

3. A Redleg’s Rides

This blog received an award for the top 100 motorcycle blogs and it deserves it.

I love this blog because it reads like a proper journal and Dom Chang kind of reminds me of some of the members of my family. He posts a lot of beautiful pictures of sunsets (just like a lot of my family does on Facebook).

As a side note, this blog also features some motorcycle maintenance, and, as someone who can’t understand how anything works, but loves watching people work on stuff, I loved it.

Posts I thought were interesting: Tech Day: Top End Removal for a BMW Airhead, Uraling to Castlewood Canyon State Park

Follow @redlegsrides on Twitter.


RoadRUNNER is actually a magazine that features a blog-style portion on their website. Like the websites mentioned above, it shows different journeys taken across the world. It also provides information about new products coming out and up-and-coming events.

I particularly enjoy the Bucket List Roads portion of their blog posts, which is the Michelin Star of roads – places to travel and experience before you die.

Posts I enjoyed: Ten Questions to Ask a Motorcyclist Before Becoming a Passenger, Bucket List Roads: Great Lakes Seaway Trail

Follow @roadrunner_live on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for motorcycle and/or travel-related news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Savannah Tanbusch is a team lead and editor for PRWeb. She spends a lot of her free time thinking about dogs and playing video games. Follow her at @tanbusch.

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2 Responses

  1. December 3, 2018

    […] Extraordinary Telescope Ring, This Homage to Humanity and more ->         By Savannah Tanbusch: Blog Profiles: Motorcycle Travel Blogs         Atlas Obscura Sunaina Kumar: During WWII, Polish Refugees Found a Home […]

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