Blog Profiles: Organization and Decluttering Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This edition features a few helpful organizing blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Organizing Blogs We Love -

OK, Marie Kondo. You’re about to win my house, too.

Weeks ago, I noticed more and more of my friends were posting about piles of things no longer welcome in their homes. The word “KonMari” regularly popped up. Then, I saw a segment from Rachael Ray that featured Kondo.

I get it, and it’s got me thinking about where I need to start first.

While I’m still deciding, these organization experts are helping me to stay on track.


Unclutterer covers home and office organization.

Some the categories include Baby, Computer Data, Finance, Garage, Kitchen, and Minimalism.

“It’s not just for the helplessly disorganized who would lose their heads if they weren’t attached, and pack rats looking to put their stashes on a diet, but also for obsessive compulsive neat freaks looking to squeeze even more order into their lives,” the site says.

Posts to read right now: Organizing food storage wraps, Ask Unclutterer: Exhausted after work, and Reader question: How do I recycle broken toys and books?

Follow @unclutterer on Twitter.

2. A Slob Comes Clean

A Slob Comes Clean features “reality-based cleaning and organizing.”

“As I find ways to keep my home under control, I share the truth about cleaning and organizing strategies that actually work in real life for real people,” says blogger and speaker Dana White. “People who don’t love cleaning and organizing.”

Posts that caught my eye include Why (and How) I Don’t Use Emotions to Declutter, Out of House, Out of Mind, and The Worst Decluttering Strategy Ever.

Follow @ASlobComesClean on Twitter.

Organizing Blogs We Love: @aslobcomesclean on Instagram

Credit: @aslobcomesclean on Instagram

3. The Home Edit

Here’s the story: California transplants Clea and Joanna met through a mutual friend while living in Nashville. It began as a friendship, and later became a business partnership.

“The goal in starting The Home Edit was to reinvent traditional organizing, and merge it with design and interior styling,” the blog says. “While every project is rooted in functional systems that can be maintained for the long term, there is just as much emphasis placed on transforming the space visually and adding their signature stylized aesthetic.”

Notable posts include Clea’s House Tour: The Downstairs, Back-to-School Makeover, and [THE] Travels: How to Pack Your Suitcase.

Follow @thehomedit on Facebook.

Organizing Blogs We Love: @thehomeedit on Instagram

Credit: @thehomeedit on Instagram

4. I’m an Organizing Junkie

Laura Wittmann is the “organizing junkie.” She started her blog in 2006.

“I really am addicted to organizing and some kind of rehab may be in order,” she writes. “What I love most about organizing is the ‘high’ I get from it so I am always looking for my next ‘fix.’ Crumbs on the floor wouldn’t bother me but a pile of papers on the table would drive me crazy!!”

Don’t miss The Hard Task of Decluttering Books, Friends Don’t Let Friends Have Cupboards Without Wire Shelves, and Letting Go of Stuff: My 2018 Purge Piles.

Follow @orgjunkie on Twitter.

Organizing Blogs We Love: @orgjunkie on Instagram

Credit: @orgjunkie on Instagram

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for home improvement or organization news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Christine Cube is a senior audience relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Check out her latest on Beyond Bylines or follow her at @cpcube.

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4 Responses

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  1. February 12, 2019

    […] grad students, a small observation can inspire a lifetime of research         By Christine Cube: Blog Profiles: Organization and Decluttering Blogs         Associated Press: ‘Napalm Girl’ Kim Phuc Receives Prize for Peace […]

  2. February 27, 2019

    […] know I’m not the only one who’s been decluttering after binge-watching Marie Kondo’s Netflix show. If you’re feeling inspired to get […]

  3. July 15, 2021

    […] know I’m not the only one who’s been decluttering after binge-watching Marie Kondo’s Netflix show. If you’re feeling inspired to get […]

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