Blog Profiles: Train Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. Our latest roundup focuses on train blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Train Blogs We Love -

I thought I would travel by train more when I moved to D.C., but with the D.C. metro, that oftentimes doesn’t seem to be the case.

When I lived in London, I used to travel by tube quite a lot, and even got the chance to take the Eurorail in Paris at one point!

I thought this week I would showcase some train travel and engineering blogs.

1. Save a Train

Save a Train is a travel booking agency with a niche in booking vacations by train.

The blog features tips on things you must check out (all while travelling by train) and the best ways to save.

I liked the website because I found it well organized and the tags easy to navigate.

Here are some posts I thought were interesting: Britain by train – 8 on and off-track tips, 5 Top Tips for Brisbane by Train

Follow @saveatrain on Twitter.

Train Blogs We Love: @saveatrain on Instagram

Credit: @saveatrain on Instagram

2. Trains and Travel

I love this blog because it’s incredibly personal.

Jim Loomis writes each post like he’s writing a book and pays incredible attention to the people behind the trains (not just the travelling).

Loomis started his blog because he loves travelling and has ridden on almost every long-distance train line in America.

Posts I loved: A Memorable Ride on VIA., Dealing with the Late Train Issue.

Trains and Travel homepage

3. RailEngineer

This website takes a different look at trains than the two above.

RailEngineer is a magazine that focuses on the mechanics behind trains in the U.K. and the latest in train and engineering news (including the business side).

It’s interesting to read, especially when you compare it to how well (or not well) your own local metro functions.

Posts I liked: Relearning Electrification, Greater Anglia train drivers taking leap into new technology

Follow @therailengineer on Twitter.

4. TrainGeek

Steve Boyko is an excellent photographer. I love this blog because of the quality of the pictures and how beautiful everything looks.

Boyko’s blog has recently moved from to his new site. Many of the older posts are located on that site if you want to check out more content!

Posts I enjoyed: Zoom is a Railfan’s Best Friend, Visiting Stony Beach

Follow @stevetraingeek on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for train or transportation news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Savannah Tanbusch is a team lead and editor for PRWeb. She spends a lot of her free time thinking about dogs and playing video games. Follow her at @tanbusch.

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3 Responses

  1. ritzy-mar says:

    I like your blog much…how about the Model Train Layouts?
    here’s the link:

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  1. March 25, 2019

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