Blog Profiles: Latin America Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and a handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week’s edition focuses on Latin America blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Latin America Blogs We Love -

As a Mexican-American person living in the southwestern United States, I’ve been lucky enough to learn a lot about Latin America from a non-“American” lens. Even so, much of my understanding of Latin American current events was acquired through Latin American Cultural studies in graduate school.

As we begin to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, I put together a list of blogs that, as an individual, you can follow to read about the Latin American experience, life, and current events that aren’t taught in Eurocentric school systems.

Continued education and a desire for knowledge are important as we progress through the current state of the world. These blog posts offer a small glimpse into what is happening in the Latin American community — they are only the tip of the iceberg. We encourage you to continue exploring so that you can be a strong ally, activist, and advocate for your own community.

1. World Bank Blogs | Latin America and Caribbean

The World Bank is a global organization that gives support to developing countries by providing policy advice, research and analysis, and technical assistance. It sponsors, hosts, and participates in conferences and forums on issues of development, often in collaboration with partners.

The World Bank Blog itself is a great source of information on how the global community impacts a variety of smaller communities across different sectors and industries. The Latin American blog posts by the World Bank give insight into the impact of industry on Indigenous, Afro-Latino, and Mestizo lives.

A couple great reads: Afro-Latin Americans, race and social inclusion in times of COVID-19; and In times of pandemic, Indigenous Peoples must be urgently included in regional reconstruction.

Follow @WorldBank on Twitter.

2. UnidosUSblog

UnidosUS is a U.S.-based civil rights and advocacy organization that serves the Latin American community “through research, policy analysis, and state and national advocacy efforts, as well as in program work in communities nationwide.” With local affiliates from around the U.S., UnidosUS works with millions of Latinos in the areas of “civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing.”

The UnidosUSblog is a great resource for both the Latin American community in the U.S. and those with a desire to understand how politics relates to this group. It’s important to stay informed during an election year but also at all times of the election cycle. This blog comes in handy to help you make well-informed choices.

A couple relevant reads: Afro-Latinos are part of the American story; and The Latino community in the time of coronavirus: Still waiting for a government response.

Follow @WeAreUnidosUS on Twitter.

3. Latin American Perspectives

This scholarly journal aims to foster discussion on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. According to the website, “Most issues focus on a single problem, nation, or region, providing an in-depth analysis from scholars and participants in social change throughout the hemisphere.”

The Latin American Perspectives blog is an academic nerd’s dream. It compiles academically-based perspectives on Latin America and provides a detailed context and history to each story. If you like learning and well-thought-out writing, this blog will be one of your favorite reads this year. It looks at everything from policy to Latin American history and how it impacts current events here in the U.S.

I recommend reading The return of the history and the indigenous of the Amazon; and Political Report #1448 A New “Good Neighbor Policy”.

Follow @LAPerspectives on Twitter.

4. African American – Latino World

This blog centers around Bill Smith Jr.’s experience and interactions with Latin-American cultures through travel and research. His main focus is Black/Afro-Latino culture, history, and experiences.

This is definitely more of a personal blog with some larger gaps between posts but was chosen as it sheds light on the Afro-Latino experience. Many Latin Americans have African ancestry due to the slave trade, and it’s important to highlight this part of the Latin American experience and culture.

Check out these posts: What Will be Different This Time? and Pushing Back Against Habits of White Supremacy During a Crisis.

Screenshot of African American - Latino World blog post: Mexico's Underground Railroad for African-American Runaways

Credit: African American – Latino World

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for Latin American or Hispanic news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Oscar Duran works as Global President of the EMBRACE Employee Resource Group at Cision as well as an Account Executive. Check out his previous posts for Beyond Bylines and connect on Instagram. When he’s not working, Oscar can be found producing content for his podcast, being an advocate for the underprivileged, or traveling.

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  1. September 14, 2020

    […] messages and participated in the liberation of Paris. More ->         By Oscar Durand, Beyond Bylines: Blog Profiles: Latin America Blogs       […]

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