5 Trusted Sites for Politics and Policy News to Follow During Election Season

From time to time, an industry or subject inspires us to create a best-of list. These are politics and policy news sites that produce out-of-this-world coverage in a crowded arena. In case you’ve missed some, you can find them here. If you think your site should be considered, give us a holler and tell us why.

5 Politics and Policy News Sites - mediablog.prnewswire.com

As Election Day approaches, it’s important that we get our news from sources that are as trustworthy as possible.

With a news cycle moving at breakneck speed, it can be tough to keep up, and choosing the right news sources is critical to ensuring that you’re getting the full picture in order to process all the information.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best news sites for updates and information on politics and policy. We’ve made our best efforts to bring you sites that get you the news without bias so that you can make your decisions with conviction.


Politico’s Instagram account is my main source of political news, as it’s consistent, unbiased, and well written. What I love about Politico is how deep of a dive the journalists take into each topic they are covering.

Politics and policy is Politico’s forte. You can always find what you need, and although you may not like what you read because of your own bias, at least you’ll know you’re being told the truth and getting a complete picture.

It’s not always easy hearing the facts, but I don’t go to Politico to hear what I want — I go to learn how the world really is and to be given all the information necessary in order to form my own well-informed opinion.

Stories to read right now: Michelle Obama offers closing argument for the election; The logistics of a pandemic vice presidential debate; and Supreme Court sides with Republicans, reinstates witness requirement in South Carolina.

Follow @politoco on Twitter.

National Public Radio (NPR)

NPR is an independent, non-profit organization with a mission to educate the public. As an organization, it makes a point to cover every part of the country and to tell stories that major networks won’t.

NPR is one of the most accessible news sources in the United States. On top of the amazing news coverage via the website and writing, NPR also has world-class audio productions and shows that air on local stations nationally.

I’ve even heard stories on personal friends in Santa Fe, New Mexico, being aired while road-tripping in rural Washington state. NPR is one of the most representative news sources in the country and you can count on it to get you the information you need on politics and policy.

Stories to read right now: Justices Thomas, Alito Blast Supreme Court Decision On Same-Sex Marriage Rights; Kentucky AG Defends Role In Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Process; and ‘Maybe I’m Immune’: Trump Returns To White House, Removes Mask Despite Infection.

Follow @nprpolitics on Twitter.

The Hill

The Hill is an online publication that focuses specifically on what’s happening in Washington, D.C. If you couldn’t already tell, it’s named after the nickname given to Capitol Hill by those who live and work there.

If you want a site that really looks at every aspect of politics at the national level in the U.S., you’re going to get everything you need on The Hill. It’s politics and policy from the political perspective.

If you want to feel like a D.C. insider, you’re going to love diving into content from The Hill.

Stories to read right now: Powell warns of downward spiral of layoffs, recession without further coronavirus aid; IRS extends deadline for non-filers to register for stimulus payments; and CEOs of Google, Facebook and Twitter to testify before Senate.

Follow @TheHill on Twitter.

The Economist | United States

Founded in Britain, The Economist is a long-standing publication that looks at world issues including economics, politics, policy, and other current events thoroughly. It also makes a conscious effort to get a good mix of news from across the globe in order to give readers a well-rounded view of the world.

The United States section will keep anyone up to date on U.S. politics and policy with high-quality content that one knows is reliable because of The Economist’s well-established integrity.

Stories to read right now: Donald Trump’s illness may shorten the odds of his losing the election; Why do voters in Georgia face so many hurdles to voting?; and A dismal presidential debate will leave voters unimpressed.

Follow @TheEconomist on Twitter.

The New York Times

The New York Times is one of the most widely known news outlets in the country and has been in publication for more than 160 years. The Times is known for its credibility in reporting. When news is broken by NYT, you can be sure you’re getting an accurate understanding of the events that unfolded.

When it comes to politics and policy, the U.S. Politics beat is sure to leave you wondering why you hadn’t been reading The Times all along. Catching up on all the news can be time-consuming, so I’d also suggest checking out the podcast The Daily to get in-depth coverage of the day’s happenings.

Stories to read right now: White House Blocks New Coronavirus Vaccine Guidelines; Kamala Harris’s Doubleheader: A Debate and Hearings With Sky-High Stakes; and Barr Plans to Return to Justice Dept. After Negative Coronavirus Test Results.

Follow @nytpolitics on Twitter.

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Oscar Duran works as Global President of the EMBRACE Employee Resource Group at Cision as well as an Associate Account Executive. Check out his previous posts for Beyond Bylines and connect on Instagram. When he’s not working, Oscar can be found producing content for his podcast, being an advocate for the underprivileged, or traveling.

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3 Responses

  1. October 12, 2020

    […] order to keep up with current events, selecting the right news sites is key but so is getting the opinions of established bloggers on the subjects of politics and […]

  2. November 6, 2020

    […] Oscar Duran / Date […]

  3. December 16, 2020

    […] 7. 5 Trusted Sites for Politics and Policy News to Follow During Election Season […]

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