Blog Profiles: Ocean Conservation Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week, we’re looking at unique ocean conservation blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Ocean Conservation Blogs We Love -

I love the ocean. Three of my tattoos are ocean-themed. Over the summer, one of my housemates was slowly driven crazy because I spent about 4 hours a day after work getting very excited about sharks while watching Shark Week videos in the living room for everyone to experience.

This is probably due to the fact that when I was really young, my mother was very invested in ocean photography, specifically photos of whales and dolphins, and my father used to take me fishing with him on his boat. To this day, my mom’s still really passionate about dolphin conservation and my dad still fishes.

If you’re also interested in the ocean and ocean conservation, check out these blogs.

1. Women In Ocean Science

What initially drew me to this blog was definitely the “ladies of ocean science” aspect and the opportunity to hear stories from women in a more STEM-based field. The blog and nonprofit organization was founded by tropical marine biologist Mads St. Clair Baker with a goal to inspire younger girls to go into STEM fields, such as marine biology.  

The website is pretty easy to navigate and has great, easily accessible resources for anyone looking to get into ocean conservation.

Interesting articles: An Open Letter: The Anxious Mind of a Marine Scientist World Mental Health Day – October 10; and An interview with Shark Ecologist Catherine Cushenan.

Follow @WomeninOceanSci on Twitter.

2. Oceanic Society

The Oceanic Society is another nonprofit that’s dedicated to conservation by ensuring that human behavior, the biggest factor in the decline of ocean health, is properly shifted to be more understanding and reflective. They do this by introducing individuals to the ocean through expeditions, education, and species conservation.

The different blog posts include anything from a rundown of field notes from expeditions to tips for travel and exploration, and information on how to do basic conservation, like recycling.

Articles I liked: Update Regarding COVID-19 and Oceanic Society Expeditions; and The Ocean Lover’s Guide to At-Home Exploration (Part 1: What to Watch).

Follow @OceanicSociety on Twitter.

screenshot of @oceanic.society on Instagram

Credit: @oceanic.society on Instagram

3. Oceans Initiative

This nonprofit organization has a specific focus on the protection of marine life in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Founded by Drs. Erin Ashe and Rob Williams, its mission is to bridge the gap between science and policy and make the environmental needs of oceanic conservation clear to politicians and decision-makers.

The first thing that drew me to this blog – not going to lie – is the opportunity to adopt a dolphin. The symbolic adoptions fund research for protecting marine life (and if you contribute enough, you can even name a dolphin)! They also offer some educational fun for children.

Articles I enjoyed: Free Marine Biology Camp Painting Class With Artist, Sophia Trinh (And A Nonprofit Fundraiser); and New Device May Keep Seals Away From The Ballard Locks, Giving Migrating Salmon A Better Chance At Survival.

Follow @oceansresearch on Twitter.

screenshot of @oceansinitiative on Instagram

Credit: @oceansinitiative on Instagram

4. Ocean Conservancy

Like the previous blogs, this blog deals with conservation through education, making it a mission to address issues like overfishing, restoring the gulf, and protecting indigenous communities in the Arctic. There are different resources addressing each of these topics in the “Programs” section.

This blog covers several subjects, including recycling and what the changes in weather mean. Many of the articles are simple in nature. I love learning about deep sea life, and this blog has a portion that goes into simple education about the odd species in the ocean, which drew me to it like a moth to a lamp.

Articles I loved: 6 Sea-riously Spooky Fish Species; and Eleven Ocean Podcasts to Transport You Underneath the Waves.

Follow @OurOcean on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for conservation and environment news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Savannah Tanbusch is a team lead and editor for PRWeb. She spends a lot of her free time thinking about dogs and playing video games. Follow her at @StopandSayHello.

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4 Responses

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

  1. November 3, 2020

    […] By Savannah Tanbusch, Beyond Bylines: Blog Profiles: Ocean Conservation Blogs         […]

  2. November 4, 2020

    […] When you’re a blogger or journalist in search of conservation and surroundings information, let us know. We will customise a newsfeed for […]

  3. May 10, 2021

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