Blog Profiles: Gratitude Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. As Thanksgiving approaches, we’re recognizing a few gratitude blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Gratitude Blogs We Love -

When I commit to the “Blog Profiles” I write, I am generally inspired by the seasons and/or current events. My original idea was to profile “gratitude” blogs in advance of Thanksgiving and to help put everything in perspective.

As anyone who regularly uses gratitude for their personal wellbeing knows, these are the times when it helps the most. With that on my mind, here are some of the gratitude “blogs we love.”

1. Wake Up with Gratitude

Author Julie Boyer, who also wrote a book titled Wake Up with Gratitude, has taken her work online with a website and blog. The honesty in her blog posts like “Why Am I So F*ing Tired?” really got my attention. The rawness of the post and Boyer’s commitment to still show gratitude is motivating, considering she wrote the post in April and it is still applicable all these months later.

The blog is a good source of easy ways to be grateful, especially helpful given it’s November. The short poem in the post “A Recipe for Simple Gratitude” is a quick gratitude practice in and of itself. Boyer also recently documented a simple but powerful gratitude practice that anyone can add to their daily routine.

Reading this blog can really help you set a thankful tone for the holiday season.

Follow @juliecmboyer on Twitter.


The blog is like having a warm cup of tea with a wise grandmother; it soothes, comforts, warms, and still informs your soul. The Gratefulness community, linked to Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast, aims to “inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living.”

The mission is carried out with misty images and “reflections” rather than comments on each page. In posts like “Waking Up to What Is: Grateful in the Face of It All,” you are left with thought-provoking takeaways like, “Gratefulness does not require that I substitute happiness for the richness and teachings of struggle.” Even as I started this blog post, I was equating gratefulness and happiness (at least cheerfulness), so reading that gave me some perspective. I am grateful for the richness and teaching of struggle.

Expect lots of introspection when reading this blog.

Follow @GratefulnessOrg on Twitter.

3. Habitual Gratitude

Habitual Gratitude is a gratitude blog that puts into practice what the Gratefulness blog is guiding. Blogger Lisa Valentine provides a daily jolt of gratitude from her life. The posts are usually a quick read and are her personal experience of gratitude.

The posts on Habitual Gratitude are an incarnation of the gratitude process, which the audience has the benefit of experiencing firsthand. A timely representation of the process can be seen in the post “Exercising . . . Rights and Body.” Being grateful for the right to vote but knowing that with rights comes responsibilities is that self-examination found in the gratitude practice.

A more recent post, “Yellow, Red, Green,” is a reminder to embrace the yellow and red and be thankful for the times that you can slow down. It applies to more than just the morning commute.

Follow @HabitgratLisa on Twitter.

These blogs can be a guide for reflection and perspective on all our experiences this year.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for mental health and wellness news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Sandra Azzollini McKinley is the former Vice President, Audience and Marketing IT at Cision. In her role, Sandy oversees the technical development of several of the company’s owned properties, including and, ensuring a seamless, useful, and engaging experience. The websites have been honored with several industry awards, including two CODiEs, Best Online News Service, and Best Online Business Information Service: Non-News; Bulldog Awards, Best Website; and Web Marketing Association’s Best Public Relations Website Award. Sandy holds a BA and an MBA from Rutgers University and has served as President of the Rutgers Executive MBA Alumni Association. She was the recipient of Rutgers’ Joel E. Kelly Leadership Award. She has also written articles on digital experience for several publications, including PR Daily, the Cision blog, and Beyond Bylines.

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2 Responses

  1. Amanda F says:

    Hi Alexa! I love that you are promoting gratitude and helping to foster the spirit of appreciation in others. Gratitude is such a powerful force, and I know it greatly changed my life. If you are interested, I would love to suggest this addition to your list:

    It is a great resource for anyone new to a gratitude practice of looking for inspiration! The Gratitude Gifted blog is a wonderful place to find more information about gratitude as a whole!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your week!

  2. Wow, such a great collection of things to read if you want to keep a gratitude mindset! As a positive mindset blogger, I also have a few posts on gratitude that might complement this list.

    For example, here is the list of 45 deep things to be thankful for that we take for granted:
    And this is my collection of 99 gratitude affirmations for different areas of your life:

    Would you consider adding my blog to the list? Anyway, thank you for putting this together and spreading positive vibes!

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