Blog Profiles: Outdoor Activity Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and a handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. We can’t wait to get out of the house, so this edition is recognizing several outdoor activity blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Outdoor Activity Blogs We Love -

I can’t wait to get outdoors this year. There are so many amazing activities out there and there’s nothing like a new year to start a new fun and exciting hobby.

It’s important to stay fit, but going to the gym year after year can get boring. Why not change it up and go outside to get your exercise in while socializing with new people and seeing the beauty in your own respective community?

Here are a few blogs that highlight some great activities and hobbies to help you get outside.

1. iRunFar

Out of each of the outdoor activities in this list, long-distance running was my first love — mostly because it’s the most accessible for someone on a budget. I’ve run distances ranging from 1-2 miles to half marathons (21.1k/13.1mi). My favorite distance is 10k (6 miles) and over time I’ve fallen completely in love with the sport of distance running just to do it, rather than because I needed to run off some extra lbs.

Over time, I’ve talked to ultra runners like Sara Pedrosa who have guided my approach to running. The best advice Sara ever gave me was that I don’t have to love it but I have to get it done — whether I run the whole time or walk portions of it. As long as I do it at my own pace and listen to my body, I’m doing it right.

iRunFar is a great resource for seasoned runners as well as beginners. You can get tips on what to wear, how to prep/eat, and even training your thinking, which is surprisingly important when it comes to running longer distances.

Here are a couple great reads: Singletrack Mind and Trail Tools, Part 2: Clothing.

Follow @iRunFar on Twitter.

2. Climbing Magazine

My second love has become climbing. I started doing it when I tired of traditional gyms and had a desire for a new hobby. I also wanted to make new friends, something that’s become increasingly difficult since college.

The climbing community is one of the kindest and most welcoming communities you’ll find in sports. And climbing not only works out your physical body but it forces you to build your mental muscles through problem-solving and route planning.

Whether you’re wanting to start at an indoor climbing gym or get outdoors, Climbing Mag is the site for you. You’ll get tips on technique, exercises for strength building, and guides to cool new spots. I should note that if you’re a beginner, do not go climbing alone and I recommend starting at your local indoor climbing gym where you can watch others and have all the important safety measures to keep your body secure.

A couple relevant reads: Your First 7 Climbing Partners and Confessions of a Weight-Obsessed Climber.

Follow @ClimbingMag on Twitter.

3. To The Mountains

Some will say that skiing can’t be picked up if you’re over a certain age. I’ll tell you right now that I decided to take my first lesson at Sandia Peak at the young age of 31. Was I feeling it the next day or that same evening for that matter? Yes. Will I do it again? Without a doubt.

Skiing has quickly become another reason to look forward to the winter season. You may make up excuses like not having enough money to go. Is it an expensive sport? If you want it to be. I spent less than $100 for rentals and an all-day lesson. I took my own snacks and drove up the mountain and back instead of spending the evening close by.

There are ways to get into skiing at any age and To The Mountains by is one of the best resources I’ve seen. You’ll find the best spots to learn, get tips on how to ski on a budget, and check out amazing videos that will help you improve your technique. No joke, I spent a couple hours falling down the hole of ski tutorial videos.

I recommend reading 9 Top North America Resorts to Learn to Ski and 7 Tips for an Affordable Ski Vacation.

Follow @Skicom on Twitter.

4. Bike198

I’ll be honest, mountain biking is one sport that sort of terrifies me. Mostly because I see people eat it while bombing down trails that are rocky and have tons of blind corners. On the other side of the coin, I can’t help but want to buy myself a new bike and get out there.

In college, I became a cyclist along with all the other hipsters across America and as a result, I still bike to a destination any chance I get. It’s one of the most freeing experiences I’ve ever had. I do tend to stick to city roads in a town with some of the worst drivers in the country, so I’m not completely sure going mountain biking is any less safe.

If you’re interested in figuring out which one works for you, I recommend checking out Bike198. The site isn’t just trying to sell you on gear. In addition to the reviews for new bikes and equipment, there’s also a lot of information on best practices.

Check out these posts: 1 Easy Trick to Faster Downhill Runs and How to Setup a Mountain Bike for the First Time.

Follow @Bike198 on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for sports or fitness news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.
Oscar Duran works as Global President of the EMBRACE Employee Resource Group at Cision as well as an Associate Account Executive. Check out his previous posts for Beyond Bylines and connect on Instagram. When he’s not working, Oscar can be found producing content for his podcast, being an advocate for the underprivileged, or traveling.

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