Blog Profiles: Women’s Leadership Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. During Women’s History Month, we’re shining a spotlight on women’s leadership blogs.

Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Women's Leadership Blogs We Love -

Today we’re celebrating International Women’s Day and this year’s theme, “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world,’ by recognizing a few standout women’s leadership blogs.

We gave a shoutout to some of these women-focused blogs a few years ago, and we’re adding three more outstanding sites to that list.

So if you’re looking for advice on how to switch careers, get a promotion, confront a coworker or manager, or even quit a job that isn’t right for you, bookmark these sites.

1. Red Shoe Movement

The Red Shoe Movement offers career and leadership development resources for Latina employees. The organization offers individual and corporate solutions including coaching, training, events, webinars, workshops, and access to a team of experts.

The blog is updated regularly with posts on powerful women and women empowerment, quizzes, attire guides, and more.

Diverse Relationships and How They Boost Our Creativity” is an interesting post that discusses how making connections with others from different backgrounds or with different views can help employees think outside the box, be better problem-solvers, and be more engaged at work.

And in the post “Diversity in Journalism: The Power of Inclusive Storytelling,” 21-year-old journalism student Teresa Mettela says, “I do think that women are really supporting each other in news and media. But we still need to have more BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and People Of Color] in leadership positions together with white women, so we can all talk about our experiences.” Improving the representation of women in media is a topic we’ve covered as well.

Follow @RedShoeMovement on Twitter.

2. Women on Business

This is an award-winning blog for career women, covering news and advice to help women be successful at work. Owner Susan Gunelius and her team of contributors deliver “valuable information as well as career and educational resources to an audience of businesswomen working in all areas of business, from solopreneurs to corporate executives, across the globe.”

Blog categories include books for businesswomen, decision-making, ethics, international business, success stories, work-home life and more.

As a chronic sufferer of imposter syndrome, I found the tips in the post “3 Ways to Tame Imposter Syndrome” to be incredibly helpful ways to remind myself that I’m enough and making mistakes isn’t the end of the world.

And in “Have Female Leaders Dealt with the Pandemic Better Than Their Male Counterparts?” the writers look at results from a recent study into how gender could be impacting COVID outcomes. “If every cloud, including that of the pandemic, can have a silver lining, then let’s remain hopeful that the focus on the exceptional performance by female leaders across the globe can be one of them,” author Elizabeth Mills says.

Follow @womenonbusiness on Twitter.

3. Ask a Manager

Blogger Alison Green created this site to offer insight into how managers and interviewers think, aiming to help readers “navigate workplace weirdness.”

Green believes in straightforward communication and that goal really comes through in her answers to a wide variety of reader questions. And although it’s no longer updated, I’d still recommend checking out podcast archive – the discussions are still extremely relevant.

Speaking of relevance, the blog also has a special section for resources on COVID-19 and work.

In a recent post, Green answered five questions from readers, covering how to interview students, how to deal with a lack of feedback, and – a timely and unique question that hadn’t crossed my mind – what to wear on the first day of a remote job.

Follow @AskAManager on Twitter.

4. Her Agenda

Her Agenda is a Black-owned digital media company working to bridge the gap between ambition and achievement, specifically for millennial women. Its motto is “No One Ever Slows Her Agenda.”

“The goal is to empower women to never allow anything to stop them from reaching their goals while providing them with the resources to overcome their challenges,” the site explains.

Resources include the latest in events, scholarships, conferences, internships and job opportunities.

There’s an abundance of actionable posts here. In “How Mentorship Can Lead You To The Winner’s Circle,” writer Patty Alper talks about the powerful impact mentoring has had on her life. It’s especially timely now, as she explains, “…the pandemic has created greater community stress, financial insecurity, childcare problems, and isolation. Mentoring within your community, during this pandemic has become even more crucial.”

And I’ll definitely be downloading some of these apps created by women entrepreneurs for staying organized and productive.

Follow @HerAgenda on Twitter.

Women's Leadership Blogs: Screenshot of @heragenda on Instagram

Credit: @heragenda on Instagram

5. Women You Should Know

Women You Should Know is a blog for and about dynamic women. It was founded in Sept. 2011 by entrepreneurs Jennifer Jones and Cynthia Hornig.

“Our mission is impact-rich and inclusive. We shine a spotlight on women and girls who are striving, building, and innovating, changing the status quo, crushing stereotypes, and defying the odds,” it says on the site.

This blog is an absolute must-read.

Here are a few stories of remarkable women that caught my eye:

Follow @womenysk on Twitter.

Women's Leadership Blogs: Screenshot of @women_you_should_know on Instagram

Credit: @women_you_should_know on Instagram

6. Girlboss

Girlboss is a site for women who seek to redefine success on their own terms. Founded by serial entrepreneur Sophia Amoruso, the concept was born from her book, dubbed “Lean In for misfits.”

“Girlboss is a community of strong, curious, and ambitious women,” according to the site. “We are unapologetic in our beliefs and values of supporting girls and women who are chasing dreams both big and small in a shame-free, lame-free zone.”

We couldn’t not include Girlboss in our list of blogs focused on women’s leadership.

Don’t miss the inspiring stories from YouTube beauty pioneer Michelle Phan and New York Times #1 bestselling poet Rupi Kuar. And if you prefer to get your women empowerment content via audio, many posts include recordings of the interviews.

Follow @girlboss on Twitter.

Women's Leadership Blogs: screenshot of @girlboss on Instagram

Credit: @girlboss on Instagram

7. She Owns It

She Owns It aims to support and inspire women entrepreneurs to write their own success stories. Its founder is Melissa Stewart.

According to the site, it’s a “gathering place to find the ‘spark’ that helps turn your dream into a reality.” Blog topics include business, social media, money and lifestyle.

Check out these unique posts:

Follow @sheownsitco on Twitter.

Women's Leadership Blogs: screenshot of @sheownsitco on Instagram

Credit: @sheownsitco on Instagram

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for women-related news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Anna Jasinski is a former employee of PR Newswire and former magazine journalist. Follow her on Twitter at @annamjasinski.

Rocky Parker is the Digital Content Lead at Cision. Check out her previous posts for Beyond Bylines. When she’s not working, Rocky typically can be found cooking, binge-watching a new show, or playing with her puppy, Hudson. 

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8 Responses

  1. Hi
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    Thank you

  2. Tanya Sharma says:

    Interesting blog, good information is provided Women Leadership. Was very useful, thanks for sharing the blog.

  3. This articles give me inpiration for doing more effort to build my own site . very helpful article.

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  2. March 10, 2021

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  3. March 3, 2022

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