Blog Profiles: Cult Film Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week’s edition is shining the spotlight on a few standout cult film blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines. 

Cult Film Blogs We Love -

Last week was the 35th anniversary of Highlander and my household was making the most of the day by randomly integrating “there can be only one” into all of our sentences.

We are big fans of cult cinema in this house, and as an anniversary tribute to one of our faves, I thought it would be cool to look at cult cinema blogs.

1. robotGEEK’S Cult Cinema

Jason’s been running Robot Geek since 2011 and he’s into the same kinds of things as my household: action figures, collecting memorabilia, and pop culture in general. He’s a visual artist and it shows through on his blog — it’s very aesthetically pleasing.

The content consists of deep-dive film reviews with Jason’s own tone and flourish, and he updates the site pretty consistently.

Posts I liked: The Cult Corner: Fletch (1985), and The Cult Corner: Brainscan (1994).

Follow @RobotGeek on Instagram.

Cult Film Blogs We Love - screenshot of @robotgeek on Instagram

Credit: @robotgeek on Instagram

2. Oddur B.T. Film Blog

This is an Icelandic blog that has been running since late 2018. The blog encompasses all kinds of genres but has a focus on horror movies (which falls perfectly within my interests).

This blog is similar to robotGEEK’S in that it focuses mostly on reviews. However, the reviews tend to be a little more objective in tone, if you’re looking for that kind of thing. The blogger is also an avid Blu-ray collector and provides the availability of physical copies of films, which is something I enjoy.

Posts I enjoyed: Session 9 and Prom Night.

Follow @OddurBT on Twitter.

3. Cult Film Club

Cult Film Club is a monthly podcast and blog run by Paxton Holley, Shawn Robar (who apparently shares my love for Real Genius), and Jamie Hood. Obviously, this blog heavily focuses on their podcast, but they also provide closer looks and deep dives, so you get the best of both mediums.

The first thing that drew me to this website was multiple posts about the movie Freejack, up-front-and-center. It was probably one of my favorite cult movies when I was a teen, mostly because it took place in the year 2009 — and I was probably really enjoying it around 2009.

My favorite posts: Concession Stand: Highlander Novelization; and A Closer Look at the Posters for Freejack.

Follow @CFCPod on Twitter.

4. Wolfman’s Cult Film Club

Wolfman goes deep with his film research and reviews. This initially started as a blog to feature cult classics and movies that he loves but has transformed into a “discovery” blog, with him featuring movies that he hasn’t seen before.

One of the things that I really enjoy about this blog is his monthly rundown to show you what he’s been watching. He covers television shows as well, and as someone who has some really hardcore fixations with some cult television shows (*cough cough* Earth 2), I can really appreciate that.

Posts I loved: The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension (1984) How The Blue Blazes Hadn’t I Seen This Before?; and Night of the Juggler (1980) Thanos’s Dad Rips Through NYC To Find His Kidnapped Girl.

Follow @wolfmans_cult_film_club on Instagram.

Cult Film Blogs We Love - screenshot of @wolfmans_cult_film_club on Instagram

Credit: @wolfmans_cult_film_club on Instagram

Looking for more movie blogs? Check out these four film blogs that were featured in a previous edition of Blog Profiles.

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Savannah Tanbusch is a team lead and editor for PRWeb. She spends a lot of her free time thinking about dogs and playing video games. Follow her at @StopandSayHello.

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3 Responses

  1. Movies says:

    Hi I had read blog i am very comfortable in reading . that was so simple language I can understanded simply. nice blogs bro….

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