Blog Profiles: (More) Stress Management Blogs

Heading into April, Local Media-ologists are Forecasting Light Showers with a High Probability of Stress [Awareness]

Stress Management Blogs We Love -

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. April is Stress Awareness Month, so we’re getting ahead of it with some stress management blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

I’m not one to make assumptions, but I am confident that if asked to share our top three stressors (in the comments down below) ranked from mi(ddle aged version)ld teen angst to full-blown insomnia, we would find commonality amongst our diversity.

Whether it be concerns for family, navigating social cues in a virtual world, or your next deadline: Stress does not discriminate. And while there may not be a vaccine or cure to eradicate the 99 problems fueling the stress in our daily lives, there is an array of resources, techniques, and tips that can alleviate some of the jitters.

In honor of Stress Awareness Month, allow me to share four blogs that will help us tackle the stream of consciousness that keeps us up at night. After all, we survived 2020 and we have earned the right to take a moment to smell the springtime blooms without stressing about our growing to-do list.

Without further ado, let’s Zen right in:

1: The American Institute of Stress (AIS) 

With 43 years as a leading science-based authority on stress management, AIS has earned a top spot on this list. The Institute goes as far as offering credentials to certify one’s command for advanced knowledge in the latest stress research and stress management techniques via a membership.

But fear not. We can check any fiscal stress at the door because the blog is a FREE-for-all hub stacked with high-value tips and tricks.

Recommended posts: 10 Tips to Boost Your Vitamin Z – Sleep Strategies; How Much Tech Leads To Stress?; and Covid-19: Educator Stress Is A Serious Matter That Needs Attention.

Follow @AIS_StressNews on Twitter.

2: Harvard Health Blog

Considering my struggle with insomnia, I find it hard to believe I have been “sleeping” on the Harvard Health Blog. If you too are fashioning a similar set of blinders, it’s time to tuck those shades into their case, as I invite you to join me down the rabbit hole of top-tier content that led me to Harvard Health.

Unique reads: 3 simple strategies for stress relief; Agoraphobia: Has COVID fueled this anxiety disorder?; Is crying good for you?; and Numb from the news? Understanding why and what to do may help.

Follow @HarvardHealth on Twitter.

3: Healthy Lifestyle by The Mayo Clinic

While most are familiar with this non-profit organization’s unwavering commitment to patient care, clinical practice, education, and research, I find it odd that the Mayo Clinic’s Healthy Lifestyle content hub has managed to fly under the radar.

I particularly appreciate their suggestion/reminder that it is absolutely OK to say no, understanding that you have to care for yourself before you can help others.

Check out these posts: Need stress relief? Try the 4 A’s, Relaxation techniques: Try these steps to reduce stress, 3 ways to become more stress resilient, 5 ways to bring play back into your life, Adapt to put stress in its place

Follow @MayoClinic on Twitter.

4: HuffPost’s Healthy Living & Wellness

Just when I thought I reached my cap on newsletters, the HuffPost hit me with “The Good Life” and I hit back with the subscribe icon free of shame or stress.

As one of the largest American media houses, it should come as no surprise that this one has some of the best healthy living blog content around.

Don’t sleep on these reads:

Follow @HuffPostLife on Twitter.

Before you go…

At the risk of sounding like a song stuck on repeat, allow me to reiterate the closing sentiment from February’s New Year, New Fears, Stresses, and Self-Judgment post on health & wellness: “We may be physically apart, but we are far from alone. So when life is tough, remember to focus on what we can control by taking a moment to enjoy all that is right!”

And if you’re looking for even more stress management blogs, check out our list from last year.

Until next time – Cheers Friends.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for stress management and mental health news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Cory Max Montoya is a Sr. Account Executive at PR Newswire. When he’s not working, Cory Max can be found hiking, binge-watching his next streaming obsession, or playing Nintendo Switch with his Niece, who continues to remind him that life is a gift to be treasured and celebrated.

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5 Responses

  1. March 22, 2021

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  2. March 29, 2021

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  3. July 15, 2021

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  4. November 8, 2021

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  5. March 4, 2022

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