Blog Posts: Education Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week’s roundup focuses on a few education blogs as we head into the fall semester. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines. 

Related Posts: Check out our other roundups of blogs focused on education, homeschooling, higher ed, and outdoor learning.

Education Blogs We Love -

I’m gearing up to attend law school part-time later this month, and honestly, as soon as August hit it became the only thing on my mind.

With that in mind, I thought now would be the perfect time to focus on study and education blogs.

1. Mindshift

Mindshift was launched in 2010 as a collaboration between California-based radio station KQED and their affiliate NPR. The goal is to not only provide information on how to better educate kids and students but also to report on our always-evolving study habits, learning, and mental health shifts.

Posts I loved: Two 14-Year-Olds Grill An Author About The Future Of Humanity; and 42 Ways to Boost Learning by Applying Our Bodies, Surroundings and Relationships.

Follow @KQED on Twitter.

2. Wisblawg

This is the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s legal blog. I included it because of its specialty focus: law. Of course, many of the topics discussed on this blog are Univ. of W-M specific, but I like the regional focus of it. As an aside, one of my favorite pastimes of the last couple of months has been regaling my household with different region-based laws and legal loopholes.

Amongst the university announcements, there are a bunch of fun research and study tips.

Posts I enjoyed: Researching Local Law – Municipal & County Legislation, Tracking, & Legislative History; and Plagiarized Articles Warn of the Evils of Plagiarism.

Follow @WisconsinLaw on Twitter.

3. Education Post

Education Post is more educator-focused than the previous two blogs, with an intent to ensure that children have access to the best education possible and that teachers everywhere are supporting their students in the best way possible. It also has a podcast that accompanies the usual blog posts, and I always love a site that has multiple media options available.

Posts I liked: You Can and Must Foster Belonging, Acceptance, and Support for Your LGBTQIA+ Students. It’s a Matter of Life and Death.; and Expert Q&A: Focusing on Teacher Well-Being Benefits Students.

Follow @edu_post on Twitter.

4. Cool Cat Teacher

Cool Cat Teacher is similar to Education Post in that it also focuses on the teacher’s perspective. Blog founder Vicki Davis has been teaching for more than 20 years and has been running this blog for more than 15 years. Davis is also involved in two podcasts that are readily available for anyone exploring her website.

Posts I found interesting: Getting the brain ready to learn math, and 7 ideas for student genius hour and passion projects.

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for education news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Sav Tanbusch is a team lead and editor for PRWeb. Sav spends a lot of free time thinking about dogs and playing video games. Follow Sav at @StopandSayHello.

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1 Response

  1. Gary L. Cruz says:

    Thanks for sharing. These different blogs talk about student education in a unique way. I think that is wonderful. However, I noticed that none of them talk about student development through entertaining activities such as playing the 10 most favorite computer games, as explained at . Does this mean that recreation is not part of students’ education?

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