Blog Profiles: Women’s Rights Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and a handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week’s roundup is dedicated to a few must-read women’s rights blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Women's Rights Blogs We Love -

As a modern American male, I have opinions aplenty – but today’s topic is my cue to take an active seat. Allow this reprieve from my proclivity to overshare to serve as an acknowledgment of the importance of knowing when to speak, when to listen, and when to act.

So, without further ado, please join me in celebrating today’s line-up of inspiring feminists that continue to educate and empower those of us looking to be an ally and advocate for the women’s movement:

1. Equality Now

This NGO was founded in 1992 to advocate for the protection and promotion of rights for women and girls. As we approach its 30th anniversary, Equality Now continues to make strides in the movement to create a just world where women and girls have the same rights as men and boys.

Recommended Reads: Writing for Her Rights: The role of the media in ending FGM in West Africa; Equality Now Recommends: August 2021; and Legal Equality is a Prerequisite for Economic Recovery.

Follow @equalitynow on Twitter.

2. I Want Her Job

Founded by Brianne Perleberg in 2010, this insightful award-winning content hub is a one-stop shop for women looking to discover, explore, and connect with their dream job. The digital site has evolved into an awe-inspiring podcast, co-founded by Polina Selyutin, which interviews Leading Ladies – women changing the future of business – offering career advice and first-person anecdotes of their rise to the top.

Recommended: Veronica Roth – Best-Selling Author of Divergent Series + Chosen Ones; Shannon Watts – Founder of Moms Demand Action; and Julie Kosin – Director of Audience Strategy.

Follow @iwantherjob on Twitter.

3. Gender Policy Report

The Gender Policy Report (GPR) is a project of the Center on Women, Gender and Public Policy at the University of Minnesota. Lead by Christina Ewig and Rachel Farris, GPR is composed of nearly two dozen contributors that offer diverse and informed perspectives highlighting the impact of policy as it relates to gender equality, gender equity, and constructions of gender itself.

Recommended: How Asian & Latina Immigrant Women Fight to Help Us Breathe Easier; To Prevent Sexual Assault, Expand How We Assess “Campus Climate”; and The Pandemic Underscores the Need for Feminist Foreign Policy.

Follow @GenderPolicyRpt on Twitter.

4. Global Justice Center

The GJC was founded in 2005, is headquartered in New York, and can be described as an organization of creative legal savants developing strategies to define, establish, and protect human rights and gender equity. Many are expert sources for top-tier news outlets when they are not contributing to this extensive blog.

Recommended: Yazidi Genocide: Slavery, Gender, & Sexual Violence; An Affirmation of Feminist Principles; and the 2020 Annual Report – Released on 6/21/21.

Follow @GlobalJusticeC on Twitter.

5. Classy Career Girl

This traditional blog kicked off in 2010 and continues to carry on its initial goal of empowering women in the workplace. Anna Runyan, an authority in leadership coaching, has helped countless professionals reach their goals. In recent years, the site landed on the Forbes list of The Top 35 Influential Career Sites.

Recommended: “Tell Me Something About Yourself,” The Easy Way; Everyone Who Feels STUCK Needs To Do This RIGHT NOW…; and How To Pick the Best Location For Your Career Goals with Mary Beth.

Follow @classycareer on Twitter.

Whether you choose to politicize today’s post – with parallels to be drawn with recent events – or otherwise, know we all have a voice. My voice echoes the strength and sincerity of my mother, the passion of my sister – a single mother and small business owner – the love and wisdom from my grandmothers, the business acumen of my aunt, the knowledge of my brilliant professors, and the expertise of my world-class colleagues.

Thank you to all the incredible women in our lives, without whom we would not exist.

So, with the centuries-long fight for equality as prevalent as ever, I can only hope my niece doesn’t have first-hand experiences of the struggles that countless women face on a daily basis but rather knows of the warriors that paved a way for her generation to enjoy a fair and just tomorrow.

Until next time,


Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for women’s interest or public issue news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Cory Max Montoya is a Sr. Account Executive at PR Newswire. When he’s not working, he can be found on the trail, down the digital rabbit hole, or with his Niece, who continues to remind him that life is a gift to be treasured and celebrated.

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5 Responses

  1. Charlotte says:

    Amazing mindfulness with such a broaden scope. Your Mom must have done something right.

  2. polina says:

    Thank you so much for including I Want Her Job on this list! The podcast name changed to Meant For It – you can find us on iTunes and Instagram @meantforit

  1. September 14, 2021

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  2. April 25, 2022

    […] September, I closed with a note of unwavering gratitude for the women in my life. In May, I’m building off of that sentiment […]

  3. April 25, 2022

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