The NYC Marathon is Back, so Here are 5 Running Blogs We Love

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. Since the New York City Marathon has returned, we’re dedicating this week’s roundup running blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Running is clearly one of our favorite topics because it’s one we return to every few years. For even more top running blogs, check out Part 1.

More Running Blogs We Love -

Whether you are keen on the symbolic suggestion that this is a stride towards [the new] normal or in need of inspiration to hit the tread, it was nice to see The TCS New York City Marathon looking 50 and fabulous!

In celebration of yesterday’s returning dash to glory — for the streets of New York and spectators across the globe — I introduce this month’s line-up of #RunningBlogsWeLove.

1. RunToTheFinish

As a certified running coach and personal trainer, Amanda Brooks kicks off today’s list and is easily one of my favorite creators I’ve showcased to date. Brooks started RunToTheFinish in 2007 and has logged 26,000 miles and thousands of posts. This one-woman hub has trailblazed a path for runners of all levels to reach their personal goals.

As a matter of fact, my first thought was that I wanted to be her friend. And after being sucked into post after post, it’s clear that her authenticity has created a sense of community that is a rarity in today’s influencer-driven world.

Recommended posts: NYC Marathon Questions and Answers | Best Running Underwear for Women and Men 2021 | How To Breathe While Running With Asthma

Follow @runtothefinish on Twitter.

2. Shut Up + Run

With a writing style that’s complementary to my cheeky inclination for candor, allow me to introduce you to the one-and-only Beth Risdon. Having just found the jackpot that is Shut Up + Run, the kids might refer to it as an absolute banger, and it’s most definitely a must-read! This uproariously uncensored creator began her running journey around 2005 and remains selfless enough to share her pits and peaks as she nears her 20th mile marker!

P.S. Risdon says she may have been “kind of funny” in her formative years but I am laughing my butt off and am so happy to see the blog’s recent resurrection. I am also going to do some digging because I need a visual of that IBTC shirt.

Recommended: Rim to Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon | The 6 Most Important Treadmill Rules | How To Make Things A Little Less S****y

Follow @shutuprun on Instagram.

3. Running For Wellness

As you’ve come to see, I subscribe to the importance of mental health advocacy and blogger Lauren is one of the tenured champions that has contributed to this much-needed conversation. Aside from Lauren’s position as an established advocate, she is a mother, wife, certified running coach, and has endured the Ironman not once but TWICE!

I think it’s clear why this celebrated blogger has earned a position on this list as a blogger and trusted thought leader in the running space.

Recommended reads: Remember Your Why – The Heart Of Running Motivation | 30 Funny Running Quotes & Memes That Will Make You Laugh | Why You Should Be Proud To Be A Slow Runner | 10 Reasons Fall Running Is The Best | How to Determine How Often You Should Run

Follow @running.for.wellness on Instagram.

4. Running For Real

Having built a community that stands 5K strong, Tina Muir has evolved from a traditional blogger to head of a highly celebrated team producing episodes that remain true to her beggining. This hit podcast supports a conversation rooted in running but centered around our ability to be the change!

We represent every level of ability and depth of experience. We celebrate what we have in common and we learn from our differences. We live in many countries, but we are a community. We know that together we can make a positive change in the world. We are real. We are runners. – Running for Real

Recommended episodes: Running and Climate Change with the United Nations Humanitarian Office | Together Run 28 with Tina: 30, 45, 60 Minute Run | Ryan Holiday: Running With Stoicism

Follow @tinamuir on Twitter.

5. TheRunnerDad

As a father of three, Matt Orlando is sharing his journey to getting back on track after placing exercise on the back burner when he fell victim to the consequences of “sympathy” eating during his wife’s pregnancy. Orlando says his ultimate motivation as a desire to see his children have kiddos of their own. I think it is safe to say that Matt is an all-around stand-up creator with a diversified hub of tips and tricks for aspiring Super Dads everywhere!

Recommended posts: How To Get the Most Out of Your Daily Run | Easy Ways To Break a Workout Plateau | Summer Fitness: How To Protect Your Skin During a Run | Signs You Need New Running Shoes

Follow @TheRunnerDad on Twitter

To lace up today’s lineup, I’ll leave you with one [substantive] cliché, as a reminder that we will never be as young as we are right now. So, cheers my friends, to running by our own rules. After all, life is a marathon, and we have the endurance to keep on keeping on at our own pace.

Until Next Time,

Cory Max

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for running, sports, or fitness news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Cory Max Montoya is a National Account Director focused on Agency Relations. When he’s not empowering PR professionals, he can be found on the trail, down the digital rabbit hole, or with his Niece, who continues to remind him that life is a gift to be celebrated.

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3 Responses

  1. Registrera says:

    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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    […] you want even more running content, check out our roundup from 2021 for several more standout running […]

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