9 Native American News Sites to Celebrate in November (and Beyond)

From time to time, an industry or subject inspires us to create a best-of list. In case you’ve missed some of these, you can find them here. This month, we’re recognizing Native American news sites that produce out-of-this-world coverage. If you think your site should be considered, give us a holler and tell us why @BeyondBylines.

9 Native American News Sites - mediablog.prnewswire.com

The U.S. enters this November, the month set aside to celebrate Native American culture and history, at a historic time. Last month President Biden issued a proclamation recognizing Indigenous People’s Day. Observance of the holiday has been gaining momentum with official recognition in several states, and now for the first time, it has federal acknowledgment as well. While Columbus Day received its own separate proclamation, it was tempered by an acknowledgment of the atrocities indigenous people suffered at the hands of European colonists.

At the same time, the Biden administration announced the restoration of Bears Ears National Monument, a site with deep meaning for the native people of southern Utah and surrounding areas. It is on the backs of these positive developments that we prepare to honor all the contributions that Native Americans have made to the arts, culture, science, and many other endeavors in our society.

In celebration of Native American Heritage Month and the richness of the culture of indigenous communities in the U.S., we bring you nine sites, in no particular order, to keep you up to date on all the stories from Indian Country.

Once you’ve made it through this list, find even more unique sites covering Native American communities in our lists from 2018, 2019, and 2020.

1. Indian Country Today

Indian Country Today continues to be a leading voice in Native American news, describing itself as “an independent nonprofit, multimedia news enterprise.” Offering coverage of indigenous people throughout the U.S. and Canada, the Indian Country Today site collects news from tribal sources, the AP, and its own newsroom in Phoenix as well as its Washington, D.C., and Alaska bureaus.

ICT provides broad coverage of news, politics, arts and culture, lifestyle, and opinion. ICT also has a newscast seen on public television stations throughout the Southwest and Midwest each weekday.

Stories to read right now: Zuni culture celebrated from one artist to another and Director Sterlin Harjo talks ‘Reservation Dogs’

2. Native America Calling

Native America Calling, the “national electronic talking circle,” is heard on numerous radio stations throughout the U.S. and Canada. Originating from Albuquerque, NM, the call-in show covers a variety of subjects including news, politics, current events, arts and culture, lifestyle, and other topics of broad interest from a Native American perspective.

Story to listen to right now: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 – The shame of the Braves

3. Native News Online

The goal of Native News Online is to publish stories that are important to Native Americans but are frequently overlooked by general-interest outlets. It has robust coverage of news, current events, and politics, including a weekly news digest that summarizes top stories.

The site also offers opinion pieces from around Indian Country.

Stories to read right now: Native News Weekly (11/07/2021): DC Briefs and $15 Billion for Tribes in Infrastructure Bill a Threshold Moment.

4. Underscore

Underscore is an independent, Oregon-based outlet that “aim[s] to produce impactful, revelatory stories that might otherwise go unreported and unheard, with a special focus on Indian Country and other marginalized coverage areas.” The emphasis is on stories from the Pacific Northwest alongside other items of interest from across all of Native America.

Stories to read right now: It’s not easy to cover Indian Country. Here’s why you must. and National Park Service Nominee Faces Questions in Senate Hearing

5. Tribal Business News

Tribal Business News is a sister publication of Native News Online. It focuses on business and industry, particularly development, energy, agriculture, gaming, entrepreneurship, and sovereignty. The site describes itself as “a comprehensive 24/7 tool for tribes, tribal entities, policymakers and anyone doing business in Indian Country.”

Stories to read right now: Biden initiative addresses systemic challenges in Native educational system, focuses on workforce development opportunities; and NEWS ANALYSIS: Recent deals involving Tesla, Amazon demonstrate the business potential in flexing tribal sovereignty.

6. Native Business Magazine

Native Business is focused on business, entrepreneurship, wealth building, and economics. As the site itself says, “Native Business is forward-thinking. We spotlight innovation in business, inspiring change agents and sparking creativity throughout Indian Country.”

The site offers broad coverage of Native American leaders across all sectors of business and economic activity.

Story to read right now: Indigenous-Developed Simulation Space Planned for WSU Spokane with Bank of America Grant

7. High Country News | Indigenous Affairs

High Country News is a well-organized, visually appealing online publication and print magazine focusing on the Western U.S. The site has particularly robust coverage of environmental news, and their Indigenous Affairs section highlights Native American stories within those two contexts.

Stories to read right now: Alaska Native villages band together to keep the Yukon River’s wild salmon afloat and The White Sands discovery only confirms what Indigenous people have said all along

8. Indianz.com

Indianz.com focuses on current events and politics from around Native America. The site aggregates stories from tribal outlets and national sources and mixes in opinion and its own reporting. During the COVID-19 pandemic, coverage of healthcare and the effects of the virus on Indian Country have been particularly robust.

Story to read right now: Indian Country bills set for passage in U.S. House of Representatives

9. National Native News

National Native News is a five-minute public-radio-style news brief recapping top stories of each weekday. The site also highlights occasional feature stories. The show debuted in 1987 and can be heard on radio stations in more than 30 states and in British Columbia.

Story to listen to right now: Friday, November 5, 2021

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Nicole Howard is a product manager at Cision, as well as an editor and freelance writer. When not working or reading, she enjoys word puzzles and the outdoors.

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3 Responses

  1. November 15, 2021

    […]         By Matt Goff, Sitka Nature: Iconic Sunset         By Nicole Howard, Beyond Bylines Blogs We Love: 9 Native American News Sites to Celebrate in Novembe…         Quartz Weekly Obsession: Oat milk: Here’s what you need to know […]

  2. December 9, 2021

    […] Indigenous outlets: In June, Nonprofit Quarterly profiled Indian Country Today’s rebirth story. Since briefly shutting down in 2017, the news website has had a rapid resurgence, recently partnering with AP and becoming the first indigenous outlet to have a story run on the wire service and beginning TV news broadcasts. In March, Indian Country Today found new ownership in IndiJ Public Media, a nonprofit. Both outlets are among our must-read Native American news sites. […]

  3. December 26, 2021

    […] Indigenous retailers: In June, Nonprofit Quarterly profiled Indian Country Today’s rebirth story. Since briefly shutting down in 2017, the information web site has had a fast resurgence, just lately partnering with AP and changing into the primary indigenous outlet to have a narrative run on the wire service and starting TV information broadcasts. In March, Indian Nation At this time discovered new ownership in IndiJ Public Media, a nonprofit. Each retailers are amongst our must-read Native American news sites. […]

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